We go to the dentist every 6 months. I feel strongly about this. Every year it is the same story, looks good see ya in 6 months. Every once in awhile Sierra will have a cavity because her enamel didn't develop properly so we will make an appointment to fix that wrong. This last appointment while I was getting my teeth cleaned Bria was getting hers done as well. The hygienist came in and said either 10 or 8 doctor will recheck. I said, "What?" Bria has 10 or 8 cavities? I could have died in the chair. That is boarder line mother-of-the-year award right there. Does a 4 year old even have 10 teeth? The hygienist says does your child eat a lot of fruit snacks or have juice when she goes to bed. No, she has neither! There must be a mistake.
I told the hygienist I didn't believe that and she showed me on the x-rays all the white little lines and what they meant. I left so embarrassed and absolutely mortified at the expense that lie ahead.
I was given the estimated amount of $1,750. Oh and did I mention that we opted out for no dental insurance this go around. Because our dental needs have been minimal for years we (me) decided it was cheaper to just pay for cleanings out of pocket. Corby supported me but he wasn't completely convinced that this was a great move.
I called around to 20(not exaggerating) different dentists getting quotes and second opinions. Some were more expensive, how that could be is a shock, some were less but wouldn't do the dental work in one session or wouldn't put her under during the procedure. I knew for sure I wanted her out. I had a terrible dentist growing up. He was mean and impatient. I had a lot of dental needs as a youngster and he would say oh you are a mess. This is horrible, blah blah, dentists have come a long way since then but even now when I know I have to go to the dentist I get a twinge in my stomach and think oh! I did not want that for Bria. I want the dentist to just be somewhere you go twice a year and it is fun and educational. Being put out was the only option.
I found a dentist with the help of my sister in law, Jodi, in the Syracuse area. I know I know I live in Taylorsville but it was only a 40 minute drive and it would save me literally hundreds of dollars. I took Bria up for a second opinion a few weeks later and sure enough he said she has 8 with one more almost being considered a cavity. How can this happen? I will not say oh I am Hitler when it comes to teeth brushing but 8 cavities in a 6 month period. UGH!
The dentist was great. He explained what the problem was and how Bria will just have to be one of those people that has to do more for her teeth than most. Her teeth are really close together so flossing is more important than brushing. I have to say flossing just doesn't fit in my evening routine but it will now for sure. He told me technically she only has 4 cavities but the teeth are so close together and the other 4 will turn into cavities in a month or so. He recommended since she would be numb in the area anyway to just do them as well. I agreed and we made our surgery appointment. He is such a busy dentist he couldn't get her in for a month. Are you kidding me? I have to deal with this anxiety of what is ahead for a month.
The day finally arrived! I made Corby take the day off because I did not want to deal with this alone. I normally am independent but when it comes to my babies, the momma bear comes out and I sometimes lose it. When my babies get their immunizations I cry every time.
The office gave Bria a crushed up pill that made her loopy. She laid on a bean bag and watched a movie until it was her time to go back. She would try to stand up and her wobbly legs would give out. It was so sad.
Finally after an hour behind schedule, they called her back. It broke my heart to know what was about to happen and she was so groggy from the pill she did not seem to care. The doctor gave her some shots to numb the area and the work began. He told me if she became too restless he would have to put an IV in her arm. I told him I trusted him and to do what he needed. I watched for a while but honestly my heart couldn't take it for long. Bria would look at me and her eyes were awake but she just wasn't there. She would start crying for no reason. The hygienist reassured me that she wasn't in pain she was just reacting to the medication. Corby and I left to get something to eat as we would be there most of the day.
I was able to go back as often as I wanted. I would just go to the door and listen in. I would make sure Bria wasn't screaming then I'd go back to the waiting room. Corby had brought his laptop to do work. How can he do work when our baby is in the other room. He would reassure me she was fine and he couldn't do anything anyway but still a loving mother needs to worry, right? While we were waiting the front receptionist gave us our bill, $1,050.00. If we paid in full we would receive 10% discount. Wow! Gotta love that. Corby being the inspired individual that he is, said let me do some research and look at some dental discount programs. Long story short and after an hour or so we had Bria enrolled in a Silver Package Plan with Dental Select. We took the new policy number to the receptionist and she said, "OK, let me see if this changes your balance due".
By now Bria has finished and she unfortunately had to have an IV. We waited for the bag of fluids to finish and we were able to take her to recovery room.
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Bria showing her otter-pop with eyes half open |
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Keep that bowl close by sweetie. |
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One eyed Bria chilling in the blue bean bag. |
Even though Bria was out of it, she knew there was a blue beanbag and she wanted to lay in it. Kids are so funny!
We could leave when she could sit up, and keep down a popsicle. She woke up pretty quick but kept throwing up so our wait would be long. Sorry little Bria you must have inherited that from your mom I puke after anesthesia too. While we were waiting, the receptionist brought back our new bill. It was $418.00. Can you believe it? I just about starting crying, which I had been doing most of the day so that shouldn't be too shocking. We pay $8 a month for Bria to be in this discount program and then saved us over $600. I knew then and there Heavenly Father watches out for us. He doesn't take pain away or remove hard times but he does make the burden lighter. I had such a sense of gratitude come over me. I am looked out for from my loving Heavenly Father. Tender Mercies!
The doctor took pity on us and let us leave even though Bria couldn't stop puking. The long drive home cracked me up because Bria would randomly say she laid on a beanbag and then she would say she didn't go to the dentist. She pretty much wasn't herself the rest of the day. She would ask for a hamburger and fries and then fall asleep. Poor little Bria, what a day for you to not have to remember and one I hope to never have to repeat. I am sorry for being a not flossing mom. I will repent and change my ways.