With 9AM church, it made for a rushed morning to squeeze everything in. I woke up at 6:30 to get the ham and potato dish prepared and ready to go into the oven while we were gone. Corby had his usual meetings so he was up and outta here. I figured if the little ones didn't wake up early enough the hunt could wait until after church. Then this is what I saw......
Two blurry eyed girls anxious to see what their baskets were full of. Can you say morning hair?
The cotton candy is supposed to take the place of that messy fake grass but we learned the hard way with a humidifier on our furnace what that does to our precious cotton candy so we use our imagination that the cotton candy is covering the bottom of our baskets instead of being in it's container.
Ada showing off her beautiful new dress.
Bria beginning the search for the coveted eggs. Early bird gets the worm this morning. You snooze you lose.
As you can plainly see. Sierra is not happy she missed out on the majority of the hunt.
Gold mine Teesh!
Cute Ada found a few eggs hiding
And sweet Bria too
Malia is filling that basket rather quickly
That sneaky bunny found some awesome places to hide her eggs
Off to church with our matching Easter dresses.
After church we hustled home to enjoy the traditional Easter meal(at least traditional at our house)
These rolls are my families favorite! I don't make them that often because they aren't healthy but holidays aren't about healthy so bring on the yummy rolls.
After dinner, Teesh shared the egg story about the resurrection with the family for FHE. The little girls loved it. Teesh did such a great job preparing. Kathleen stayed down to spend the day with us.
At 3:15 I had to take Corby to the airport. The girls stayed home and played outside, the weather did not disappoint on this beautiful Sabbath day.
Even though it was a crazy weekend, it all turned out and we enjoyed celebrating Easter as a family. Hope your day was just as swell as ours. Cheers!