The day of race has finally arrived......ready or not! We had to leave the house by 5:20AM. I made steel cut oats the night before to fuel our body for lie ahead. Really could not have asked for a more perfect day, the temperature was exactly what I love to run in. It was a brisk morning but after a mile or two it was perfect conditions.
Race began promptly at 7:00AM. Teesh and I decided to run together this year while Misty, Sierra and Joani each had separate goals. The run was beautiful. The tulips were late blooming this year so talk about gorgeous! While we were running, Teesh suggested that we come back to take her senior photos here, what a great idea little Teesh LaReesh.Running conditions were so great other than I was sick sick sick. I had just returned from my Cabo trip and felt like I had pneumonia or bronchitis. My chest was on fire with every breath I took. As we ran, we were tracking to beat our goal until mile 10. Seriously at mile 10, I lost it. We reached mile 10 at 2 hours, best time of year, and I just could not give it anymore. I encouraged Teesh to leave granny in the dust and go for the goal but she stayed back with me. She was so encouraging for me and kept telling me I could do it, that we just needed to finish this. I was secretly so glad she stayed with. Next year we will get that goal. Thanks Teesh for being the wind beneath my wings....breaking out in song now.
Sierra finished at 2 hours 25 minutes. Not too bad seeing how she did half the training and only ran one 9 mile long run. So proud of you Sierra!
Here I am just after finishing. I am thinking I might die. My chest was on fire and my lungs just burned. I was so so thankful to be done. Teesh did great. She would have had her best time this year but she was selfless and stayed back for me. I will forever be indebted to you little daughter. You make me so proud.
Joani, Misty, Jennifer, Leticia, and Sierra
I must point out the chocolate chip cookie Joani is eating, priceless girl!
Bria and Ada seriously thought they had found pay dirt. They loved these monsters and all the free chocolate milk, cookies, bread and chips they could pack down. Now I know why Corby is at the finish line each year! Thanks for all the support!