Welcome to our families thoughts, adventures, and craziness

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

4 less

When Sierra had her braces taken off  Dr. Elison showed concerned for the wisdom teeth that were rowing in Sierra's mouth. I was hoping for Sierra to qualify for the Wisdom Teeth Removal Study but they changed the age requirements making Sierra not qualify;(

We made an appointment with Dr. Chad Ellis and his assistant Hollie Van Orden. Look super close, you might see a family resemblance. Chad is my older brother and Hollie my younger sister. Cool huh? It is so nice to know Sierra will be given the absolute best care. Sierra received an IV for her local sedation.
We brought a great support system for Sierra, Teesh and Ada to the family rescue.
Here's my view as I waited for my munchin. Around the corner is a water wall, it is so amazing.
The office staff was kind enough to put on cartoons for our entertainment as well. 

After about an hour and a half, Sierra was wheeled out. Dr. Chad said she did great and only one of the 4 gave him some trouble. I had the video camera ready to go but bummer, Sierra only laughed a bit but no funny reaction for her.
I set up the front room as a bed for Sierra's comfort. She had her gauze close by and her electric blanket. I must say she was quite the trooper, did not really complain. She followed my homeopathic regiment and healed rather nicely. I love that even if my children think my nonconforming ways are weird they all support me and do as I recommend. Mother Love there

Day of surgery we had some visitors,  Tawni, our neighbor, and her two children and Rod. Tawni brought a shake from arctic circle and Rod brought several movies.

We iced and did everything we were told but alas the swelling came. I don't think Sierra looks bad but she thinks she looks terrible.

Look what Sierra came home with on her 1 week post surgery appointment........a necklace holding all her wisdom. So cool!

Catch Up

I love blogging and as you can tell it has not been happening as often as I would love. So many obstacles have stood in the path. First, our home computer is just special. It wouldn't let me upload pictures forever and if it did allow it, I would lose half of them, oh the problems of a 1st world country. Then the computer all together just wouldn't turn on, awesome.  In the end, the computer went to the Dr. and it seems to be working again, cross your fingers!!!!!!!!!!

I recently received a new calling and it has kept me on my toes. I feel like there is something to do daily. I am enjoying working with my girls, that's always a plus. It seems every time I have blog time, my calling pops it head up and said, "oh, I need you to deal with this". Things will all work out and I'll get more free time, but for now it's a little crazy. One definite side note to my new calling is I have met a wonderful lady who I call a friend now. It has been fun to finally identify with someone. I struggle, I don't fit the mold of a typical LDS woman and it's fun to find others who don't either. Refreshing on many levels.

Teesh is preparing for her departure. It seems forever away and just around the corner at the same time. We finally have all her requirements either scheduled or completed. Only thing left is clothes shopping. Be still my heart, I am not sure how January 21st is going to feel but for today it is excitement,anxiety, and pure heart breaking all rolled into one.

Sierra is a senior. Seniors have lots of extra needs. I love that I have the flexibility to be available for her. My time is short. Enjoy it while I can. Sierra attends every school dance(and many neighboring schools as well) I love that she is getting to experience the full high school life. Sierra just got her wisdom teeth removed. She is a trooper and has yet to swallow a pain pill other than ibuprofen. Girl after my own heart with pain tolerance.

Malia tried out for a competitive dance team and she made it. It has been delightful to see her blossom into the part. She dances 4 nights a week and it is just crazy. Malia has struggled with school this year, several good friends left and so she has felt a lone a lot. I am so proud of Malia because she just takes "hard" head on. I promise my little Mafria, things will look up soon, very very soon. On top of the late evenings, Malia begins here days bright and early as well. Early Morning Seminary for that sweetheart. So diligent that girl of mine is.

Bria goes to school all day. She is thriving like no other. She is making lots of friends and always has a smile on her face. She is taking ballet and tap and practices hard. We can't wait to see her first performance in December.

Ada Rae goes to kindergarten. She goes afternoon so I get the morning to read with her. It is such a tender time to be with my spunky little free spirit.  Ada is into gymnastics and since the beginning has been moved up to the highest level this dance place offers. Ada will be given a task and will come home and practice and practice until she has mastered the part. My special angel food cake is practicing with 10 and 11 year olds.
This time of year is a busy one for Corby with open enrollment. We enjoy the time we get even if it small.

So there you have all my excuses for my slothfulness. I will improve and I will get photos uploaded and I will repent of my old ways.........I feel a new years resolution coming on.
Peace Out Peeps

Monday, November 10, 2014


I just love coming across little gems like this. 
Please Bria stay innocent and sweet forever.
My girls are getting impatient with the leaves not falling on their own. I looked out and saw them attacking the tree with racks because they wanted to form a pile of leaves to jump into. Be patient little ones, the colder weather is coming and you will have more than enough fun soon, very very soon.
Look who is the most recent to become brace free. I can't believe the Orthodontist is no longer a weekly appointment in our home. Having 3 in braces Dr. Elison's office was becoming our home away from home.


Corby and I were introduced to a man named Kirk Duncan. He is amazing! His company is called 3 Key Elements. We have attended multiple seminars and to say it has changed our lives would be an understatement. I can't say enough good about this program. 
We were offered a mentoring class where only 20 couples were allowed to join, we jumped on the opportunity and haven't looked back. We have had 10 sessions held every other week stretched over a 4 to 5 month period. The classes were held on Tuesday night for about 2 to 2.5 hours.
The first session we chose buddies, groups of three to help each other. My buddies are the best. Lanaea Galindez, Shanna Coleman and myself. 
We either talk, text or email each other everyday during the program. My group chose to talk at 5:45 each morning. Such wonderful ladies my buddies turned out to be.

We learned so many tools to help us keep our mind, spirit, and body in balance working together. I could go on and on about what I learned but I won't. Let's just say I am a different person. I am empowered to do what ever I set my mind too! I am no longer controlled by my past. I create the life I want. I live in abundance and I actually will great things to come my way.
We were taught to use vision boards, declarations, and who I am posters. I will gladly tell you all about my realizations, give me a call sometime!