I know most wards are this size but yes this is our stake and all the leaders who attended. We might be small but we are mighty!
We met at the stake center at 7:15AM We loaded our loot up on the charter buses and headed to the mountains for what would be the most fulfilling, exhausting, spiritual, next three days of the summer. The stake leaders tried to play a few games on the bus the youth were more interested in sleeping and interacting. I enjoyed the view and might have even snoozed a bit as well.
Once we arrived, we unloaded the bus and carried our stuff up the steep gravel hill(buses weren't able to make the turn to the lodge). We were given our room assignments. 3-5 girls per room with one full bathroom. It was treated like a hotel, use your towel, toss it on the ground when done, get a fresh one the next time you need it. Rough life, I know. Leaders were on same level as the girls they we were in charge of, but we got to stay in separate rooms. Beds, air conditioning, the list goes on and on about the accommodations.
After we got our rooms situated and were given a run down of the agenda and game plan we headed to the cafeteria. Now you hear cafeteria and think oh yea "Golden Corral" or "Chuck a Rama" here we come, but it was oh so much better. We had tacos with hard or soft shell, taco meat or fajita chicken filling, tomatoes, lettuce guacamole all made fresh people.
Once our belly's were full, it was our wards turn to ride horses. We had quite the hike to the horses but it was worth it.
I got to ride Mr. Darcey and Malia got Gus. Gus was the lead horse so she was directly behind our tour guide. Mr. Darcey really liked to be close to the horse in front of him. Yikes! The tour lasted about 30 minutes and lets be honest it was 25 minutes longer than I needed. I love riding horses and watching one horse try to buck their rider off did not change my mind one bit. Glad we were all safe but just for the record, others groups did get bucked off and bloody noses and bruises were the outcome. Glad you were good to us Mr Darcey and Gus.
We met back up with the rest of our stake for some team building activities and water fun.We had workshops for the next 2 hours and each team created a poster similar to a Mormon Ad
Here Christian and Malia volunteered to brush their teeth with an entire tube of toothpaste and then they were good for a month of brushing. Colleen related this analogy to reading scriptures. We must study daily in small amounts to enjoy the full effect.
We finished the evening with a gorgeous camp fire complete with s'mores, songs, and an evening devotional. There were night games (sand volleyball) until 10 and quiet time at 11. I don't know what it is about camping, but I am always so tired so much earlier in the evening. I could have hit the hay around 9 but I resisted and played hard until my girls retired to bed.
I don't normally play "jungle ball" but let me say this was fun. We had girls that play school and we got some good vollying going. Oh how I miss sports.
Karri was our photographer, thanks for documenting the evening sweetie
The following morning we met at the fire pit for ward devotional and prayer on our breakfast. I was the only leader from the 5th ward and 3 awesome youth joined me. We are small in number but mighty in presence. So lucky to get to associate with such amazing youth.
After breakfast, we met up to go on the hike. Now the stake leader told me, "it's more like a nature hike on a dirt road" so I was very surprised to find it was basically the complete opposite. Most girls did not make it to the top and we ran out of time and it was super hot and we did not bring enough water. So yea, it was a little difficult. I could not not go to the top so myself, one other leader, and 4 youth kept at it until we reached our goal. It was a good feeling to continue even when circumstances were less than ideal or not what we expected.
After the hike, lunch and an hour of free time we all met at the lodge for our service time. We gathered logs from all over the property to create a 10 foot wood pile for future fires. The wood was covered in ants and we all came away with a few reminders that ants aren't our fave!
We had some free time and chose to play miniature golf, ping pong, and sharpen our skills at archery.
Of course when Hawaiian shaved ice can be purchased.....we do!
I absolutely shot this arrow. It took me 3 tries and bulls eye!
Malia with Jeremy(the dream boat) quick side note.
So, at the ranch, there are several high school guys who run each venue. They are CUTE. Drool everywhere, I am telling you now. So Malia, myself, Karri, and Ashley were walking to the archery and of course the conversation consisted of which cute guy would be there to help. Now, I thought the girls had the hots for Daniel so I am asking if the guy we are approaching is the hottie of the hour. Right then out comes Daniel from the shed right smack dab in front of us. We all bust out laughing as we continue to walk towards Jeremy at archery. Jeremy inquires why we are all laughing we said, "oh, nothing" he replied, "It wouldn't have anything to do with Daniel walking out of the shed would it" We said, "oh no we are laughing because we are just in a laughing mood". Ashley could not stop laughing and Jeremy kept insisting he get told what was so funny. Well, Jeremy, if you must know we are laughing because the girls think you are gorgeous and I misunderstood who they were talking about and since I thought it was Daniel and he walked out just as I was describing him it created a lot of laughter. But don't you fret Jeremy we all agree you are a really great guy and any of the three girls would go out with you if you asked.

Ashley Dean
Karri Jorgensen
How are these arrows still attached? Skills my friends
The activities provided were limitless I tell ya. We didn't even have time to head to the lake and canoe and paddle boat there. Have I convinced you yet to come take a weekend and head to reid ranch.
We were given the task of building a marshmallow tower. We were given 3
feet of string, 3 feet of spaghetti noodles, 3 feet of tape and one
marshmallow. We had 3 minutes to create a structure that was free
standing and able to support the marshmallow. We worked hard and ended
up with zero feet because our tower couldn't stand for any length of
time. We then discussed and related this experience to the gospel. It
was a pretty amazing conversation and once again our stake leaders did
not disappoint. The team that won got their tower to an all amazing
19.75" are you kidding me!!! Oh well, we had fun and that's all that
We met back at the soccer field for more exciting team building games.
Before our bishopric came up and other stake leaders we had a Treasure Hunt. Different leaders were placed all around over the property, I was given the swimming pool area. As the different teams would figure out through clues, where to go, they would come to me and I had a scripture to share and a question to ask. After a brief discussion, I would give them their next clue and off they went. Those youth were crazy fast and so intelligent. Most groups finished in under an hour. It was so cool to see them work as a team and include everyone. Such a fine group of youth I get to serve. Humbling I tell ya.
We enjoyed fettuccine alfredo with chicken or marinara sauce, homemade rolls, steamed vegetables an amazing garden salad and of course soft serve ice cream for dinner. We ate with our ward and bishopric and informed them of all the activities we had been involved in.
We challenged the bishopric to a game of sand volleyball. We played best out of 3 and I am not sure who won. We kind of quit keeping score as we were laughing more than playing. It was such a fun evening with the sun in our eyes and the sand so slippery we for sure thought someone would get hurt. Our bishopric couldn't stay for the testimony meeting so they gave us a yummy treat and headed back down the mountain.
Once we settled for the testimony meeting, our stake president, President Schulte, led us in a game of "Schulte Says"(similar to simon says) It was an awesome experience with several discussions leading back to a gospel topic.
We did some skits and played "Minute to Win it" type games. Lots of laughter could be heard from miles away.
the last two "Schulte Says" victims. For the record, our ward got out pretty quick because that stake president is a pretty sly fox ha!
Thursday morning we "cleaned up camp" (put our personal items in suitcases) and left the mess for the clean up crew, tough I know!
this tiny little bird made it's way into the lodge and we tried our hardest to show it the door but it insisted on flying back to the fireplace. Silly bird!
Stake and ward leaders. I know we are pin heads but I wanted you to see the lodge we stayed in.
Our Stake Young Women's Presidency.
Left to right: Sue Nikola(Secretary), ?(to my defense she just got put in) Colleen Piper(2nd Counselor), and our president Charisse Medico
After we arrived home, we met at the stake center for some fun with the Deacons and Beehives (who aren't old enough to attend Youth Conference) then we all headed over to the neighborhood swim pool where we had the entire pool to ourselves. It was a gorgeous evening and I sat and watched the girls have the most fabulous time. I was pooped. I wear a garmin that tracks my steps daily. I walked over 18,000 steps everyday of youth conference. I was beat. I love that I can keep up with the youth but I must say, I was feeling my age after 3 full days of constant activity.
Gotta love it when you find these gems......Two of my favorite people right here
I can't remember when these skits took place ha ha so I guess the pictures will go here. We were put with another ward in the stake and given a black garbage bag full of random items. The topic we had to build our skit around was gratitude. The skit was amazing and so funny. Each ward did a fantastic job. We had a Santa outfit with a huge hole in the butt and Santa gave out gifts to people who had no use for them. For example, Malia had no arms and was given a racket and a homeless guy was given Disneyland passes. At first the recipients were not grateful for their useless gift but after the magic fairy dust was sprayed each found a way to be grateful for anything.

This was the sign that held our menu of what was being served at each meal. We laughed so hard when we saw this sign the first day. It was especially funny because Malia loves cats so much and she has a friend who does this kind of teasing with her and he was not there so we got a huge chuckle for the randomness of this greeting.
Youth Conference was life changing. So grateful I was able to attend. So grateful for friends I can count on to help with my offspring. I don't live near family and even if I did I don't belong to family that really steps up and helps out for things like this. So thank you friends for helping a sista out. We might not be blood but you are blood to me.
My love for the youth has grown and grown from this summers activities. So grateful I get to serve the Youth. Our theme was "Building Zion" and that we did, that we did!