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Monday, October 22, 2012

School with Ms. B

My oh my! I am not sure about this next step in our family's life! 

Today, September 4th Bria and Ada begin preschool! They attend "The Write Start School" and Ms. B is their teacher. She teaches out of her home and does a terrific job.  I will have two days a week where I am kid-less. I am not sure what to do with myself. I am sure I will figure it out but what a mile stone I am reaching.  I have done this before. First, it is two days, then three, than five, than all day and one evening and before you know it they are gone more than they are here. I am glad my children are growing up and are busy and actively involved but it is a hard realization they will eventually live their own lives without my daily involvement.

Ada and Bria happy to be taking off
The photos crack me up. They did not want to take the time for these silly photos, school is waiting don't you know that mom.
Have a good day little sweeties, I will miss you but together we will figure out this new phase in our lives. 

This is the water tower we pass by to get to preschool. When Bria sees it she knows we are close and will say we are almost to school Ada.

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