Bria had yet another near death experience a few weeks back. It has taken me this long to settle down to write about it. That girl is so spunky and creative but some of her actions are a bit hard to swallow some days. Anyway, Ada had been throwing up all day so I was stuck at home. What better way to spend staying at home then being productive and wrapping Christmas gifts. Ada and Bria sat right by me as I wrapped gifts explaining how we don't touch the gifts or open them until Christmas Day. I also would show them what I was wrapping thinking they wouldn't be as curious and the presents would be safe. In the past, after I have wrapped gifts, I still keep them hidden but because of my methodical planning I thought these gifts would be safe to throw under the tree and if I threw in a couple extra they wouldn't noticed. I was feeling so overwhelmed with my bedroom being the storage unit of Christmas gifts so I went against my better judgement and put the gifts, all the gifts under the tree.
We went about our day with nothing more said. Malia had a ballet practice where parents were invited to watch and interact. Sierra was my lined up babysitter and off I went to enjoy some Malia, Corby, and Jennifer time. I even remember thinking as I watched Malia perform and practice, wow, I love my life, it is so great to have older girls to allow me to spend time one on one every once in awhile. The practice went well. I called Sierra asking how Ada was doing and if I could stop at a few stores on my way home. She said Ada is asleep and Bria is playing quietly in her bedroom. I said, "Well, please check on her and thanks so much for taking such great care of them". She said you are welcome. We hung up. I continued for the next little bit with the same frame of mind of what a great system I was blessed with.
When I arrived home, Bria met me at the garage door and said, "Ada opened up some of the gifts mommy." I thought that was weird, knowing Ada was asleep but didn't think much about it. As I entered the house, I went down the hall and saw the nightmare of my life. In the hall, were two games out with all the pieces everywhere. I said, "Uh, Sierra what is going on here?" She said I don't know I have been sleeping. I opened Bria's bedroom door to find every single gift I had wrapped, unwrapped, opened and strung all about. I freaked out. I walked out of the room, went to Sierra and said you have a huge mess on your hands. I turned to Corby and said I am not dealing with this call me when everything is put back together.
I left, slamming the door, making the shelf fall in the garage and denting the Yukon. Mature I know but I was so upset. I drove around for awhile. I was just so upset. Finally, I decided to go visit a friend. She graciously let me come in and spill my guts to her. We discussed the topic for awhile until I felt more calm.
The reasons for why I was so upset as I analyzed the situation were several fold.
1) I had some great well thought out surprises for my family.
2) I was feeling so on top of being prepared for Christmas
3) I was frustrated that my 15 year old would carelessly fall asleep leaving my 5 year old unattended
4) Seeing all my hard work be undone in a matter of minutes was heartbreaking
I understand Christmas is not about gifts. I get the real reason for the season but I love to surprise people. I love it. It is something that I find great pleasure and boy oh boy I had some great ones this year. It is hard the older your children get to be able to surprise them with the exact item they were hoping for and I did it this year. Bria opening the gifts destroyed everything, my months and months of hard work was ruined all right before my eyes.
I didn't take any pictures of the bedroom scene intentionally, I don't want to be reminded of that ever again.
Christmas will be fine. Everyone tells me I will look back on this day and just think it is hilarious. I don't think so peeps. I am pretty upset still.
When I caught Bria amongst the mess, I said, "Well, I hope you liked your gifts because you aren't getting any surprises now". Her response, 'Fine, I guess I will just get rocks for Christmas". My response to her, "Yes, rock sounds good for Christmas."
Corby text-ed me telling me the coast was clear and the mess all cleaned up. All the gifts had been re-wrapped and the house was back in perfect order. I came home and went to bed.
Next morning in Newton Connecticut, a 21 year old guy, went into the local elementary school shot and killed 20 children and 6 adults, 7 counting himself. The 20 children were all 5 and 6 year old's. A week before Christmas, what devastation. How scared these sweet innocent children must have been. Did they protect themselves, would they even be old enough to try to protect themselves. Such a sad sad situation. Then reality set in and I thought Bria might have ruined my Christmas surprises but I have her on Christmas Day unlike those 20 families who lost their sweet children. I am grateful for the many opportunities I get to be a mom even on the not-so-great-days. So Bria please don't do that again but I am lucky to have your spunky personality in my life and will love you beyond your really bad choices.
Good Night!
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