Welcome to our families thoughts, adventures, and craziness

Monday, February 25, 2013


Earlier I created a post about the month of February. Wow, it did not disappoint. This past month has been one of those dig through the laundry baskets of clean clothes to find your school uniform and other necessary items because there just hasn't been time to fold and put it away. Now, if you know me at all, you understand how hard this process has been because I am a finisher. If I start something I have to complete it, it just mentally bugs me until it is completed. That might give you a little glimpse into my mentality this month. UGH!
 I have been so overwhelmed this past month. I am not sleeping and I have a rash that is on fire all over my skin. I really hope that after these next two weeks, things will settle down. I have one of the two school talent shows under my belt, last one is next week with the preview being a week from today. Teesh and I  have all the scholarship applications in, I would say probably 7 more to go in the next two weeks. Parent Teacher Conference is this Wednesday and Thursday so that means hours of running around a huge school and talking to teachers. PTC's are so important so I do what it take to attend but it takes a lot of maneuvering with my family. Malia will go to two ballet classes that night since I can't be in two places at once. A friend will take my little ones and in between appointments I will take older girls here and there. My evening will begin on both nights around 4 and I won't be home till after 10. Hope I get a good nights sleep Tuesday and Wednesday.  Motherhood is exhausting!
Did I mention I am a mystery shopper? I have a love/hate relationship with it. I love the money as well as the feelings that I am an individual, but some weeks I am bombarded with shops. I view them as blessings I really do, but lately I have no time to give and yet continue to accept jobs. My boss approached me with a scheduling opportunity. Instead of performing the jobs, I will find people to complete the jobs. I have been doing it for two weeks now, I have to say I am liking the jobs better than scheduling. People are flakes! I am sorry, rude I know, but they are. They don't return calls they don't do what they say they will. What is this world turning into.?
Anyway, I only have a minute but I wanted to share because blogging always makes my heart feel happy and tonight I needed a little happiness.
I recently have lost a friend that I have enjoyed for several years. It is hard and makes me very sad. I don't even know what I did to create distance but they seem to no longer have interest in me.  I have my family and my husband and I love them, but friends are super important to me so this loss has been hard.
On a brighter side, I have recently met a neighbor who has been so nice and helpful to me. She invites me to do things with her and has offered to help in my oversheduled life. I consider her a blessing. Thank goodness for blessings. I could not have survived without her kindness. It always makes me feel loved when people call or stop in and say, "Hey, I have been thinking of you".

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