The day Sierra has been living for as finally arrived! Saweet 16 never looked better than it does today!
Look who can drive, date and have all the blessings that 16 brings.
She wanted to celebrate by boating with her friends. But of course, we woke her up with her favorite breakfast of toaster strudels and helped her prepare for a day of boating (jet skiing)
Corby took Sierra to get her official drivers license right when the DMV opened and then they were off for a fun day in the sun. Sierra wanted it to be a day with only friends so I have nothing to show but words for the outing. I told Corby to take photos but it is kind of hard when you are driving all day and enjoying water.
When Sierra and Corby returned, hours later than expected I knew that couldn't be good news. Of course, Sierra backed the Yukon into the trailer carrying the jet ski,(pictures below), the jet ski sucked up the tow rope and Corby forgot to return the paddle board he rented from Springville. So after getting things some what settled, he made another trip down south to return items and find out the cost to the damage due to the tow rope. At first glance I figured this outing would cost over $2k but it turned out better than expected and it was only a couple hundred. Sierra said it was a great day and enjoyed by all who attended.
As a family, we celebrated with a specifically asked for smore pizza designed by the one and only, Sierra Jane. It was easy to make and super yummy. I am not a huge fan of cake so anything other than cake for birthday celebrations is always welcomed.
I found a recipe for the crust then used nutella for the sauce, put mini reeses peanut butter cups and marshmallows on top. We put candles in when we sang to our precious princess, Sierra Jane.
Natasha came to celebrate with us. Sierra did an excellent job blowing out ALL those candles. We also enjoyed her favorite ice cream, which is cookie dough.
Corby took Sierra out on a date with Dad. It was a tradition my father did with me and Corby loved the idea so we adopted it. It is supposed to be the first official date when you turn 16 but Sierra opted to date a few times before 16. Sierra wanted to go get Sushi. They had a quiet dinner and then Sierra hung out with friends so the evening was short but sweet.
I did not get a picture of the biggest situation but when they began banging out the dent, a huge amount of dirt and dust covered the two. It was awesome to see Sierra's face.
See the rocks supporting the wheels? This was so precious. Corby had the Yukon on ramps and supported, so it wouldn't fall while being worked on so Bria and Ada proceeded to follow his example. It was heart melting.
We have a tradition in our family when it is your birthday, you get to go through the spanking machine. We usually do this with Jaren and Cindy's family so here is Sierra going through for her 16th spanking machine experience. We love you Sierra and couldn't be more proud of you and your life.
You are beautiful inside and out!
Here is where Sierra is saying, Really? I have to do this still? Why yes, little one we do the spanking machine until you are too old to crawl. Trust me, you'll be grateful for this tradition at some point in your life. We love you Sierra Magera.