The tradition has been to typically have the reunion on the 4th of July weekend. Because of other circumstances we scheduled the reunion for the 13th of July.
We tried to reserve the Bowery at the park across the street, we tried to rent out the neighborhood pool, we struck out with every attempt. Can I get credit for trying and just be done with the gathering?
I was called to be the compassionate service leader in my ward and we have a dear sweet sister who has terminal pancreatic cancer. I have been arranging meals twice a week for her family and she passed away a week before the reunion. Her funeral was scheduled for the morning of the 13th.Oh and did I mention that Corby and all three older girls were gone to girls camp all week. I frantically organized a luncheon for 80plus people plus finalized the reunion needs all by myself. My arm hurts from patting my back ;)
The luncheon went well and we barely had enough food as more than 80 people came. I quickly finished my obligations at the funeral luncheon and grabbed Corby and little girls to head to Costco to purchase the BBQ needs. We were jetting all over the store to accomplish what I needed in less than half hour. We literally walked out of Costco put food in coolers at park and dropped me off at the entrance of swimming pool at 2:59PM Reunion began at 3:00.
I was a mess but after everyone arrived things settled down and we all enjoyed ourselves.
We ended up just paying for those who wanted to swim while the others could sit and visit in the 106 degree weather, no thank you! Bria and Ada both braved the slide and Bria even jumped off the diving board. The weather turned scary around 5 with lightning and rain so we all got out and headed to begin our BBQ. Let's talk about the Bowery. Remember how we could not reserve the Bowery, it was a first come first serve? Well somewhere between us asking and us trying to save it with blankets the city decided to allow people to reserve it. Thanks for that City of Taylorsville. We quickly switched gears and reserved the stake center Bowery. We set our BBQ up. We had our coolers filled and ready to go and locked the joint up to keep our stuff safe.
We left the swimming pool went to the Bowery to find a live band performing and all our items being combined with another groups dinner. Hello! I wanted to scream.
To bore you of details we just surrendered and went inside the stake center. Corby n did the BBQing outside the door and we set up tables inside which turned out to be nice as the weather got more windy and rainy as the evening went on.
We ate hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, chips, fruit and chocolate chip cookies for dessert. It was a relatively easy meal, easy for me to say since I wasn't the one out cooking. Love you Corby, you are a good man Charlie Brown.
After the meal we played a few games and then headed out to play the whip cream game. This is a perfect reunion game. No prep work just messy so do it on the grass.
Evening worked out well and I even came in way under budget with the family funds, score dude.
Ada's absolute favorite thing to do in the water is to put her whole head under then come up, flip her hair back
Don't mind the plumber's crack, she is just too skinny!
Bria patiently waiting for the bucket to fill and then dump.
Bria practicing her skills taught in swim lessons, the back float
Bria and momma
more back floating, relax little one it will go so much better
Spunky Ada and momma
Cambria, my oldest niece and her family Dale, Stella, and Landon. Cambria is the oldest grandchild and Ada the youngest. They share the same birthday.
Some of the family opted to not swim. Matt in the swim trunks and his mom, Lynette in striped skirt.
My oldest sister, Pam in white and yellow. Oldest brother, Brad in orange and his wife Teresa in black under the umbrella.
My second oldest niece, Nichole, with some of her family, Jason and Dallas. I photo bombed this shot and didn't even know it.
My brother Chad, his sons Matt and Austin. My younger sister, Hollie and her oldest Torie.
Brad's two sons, Bryce and Bryant. Chad's youngest Adam and Hollie's youngest Gage
Clark, Hollie's hubby and brother, Chad
Chad's Kendall and Pam's Brooklyn
Kevin, Pam's hubby. Brad and Jason, Nichole's hubby
This little princess was hungry. She ate an entire hamburger.
Brooklyn, Samie, and back of Malia
Random shots during our dinner
Brooklyn about to eat Bryant
and she is still eating.......
Landon is Cambria's youngest. He is a cutie. He loves balls
Gage, ham it up boy!
Um, are you kidding me. I want him instead of his cookie. So stinkin adorable.
Here we are, my siblings and spouses, minus Lara Lee. She wasn't able to attend.
Here are some of the 33 grandchildren
Going for goofy
Grandpa Kevin playing with Dallas. She would shriek when he put her up there. So brave little Dallas.
lost count on the great grandchildren but here are a few that attended our gathering. Landon I want to kiss your pouty little lip, so adorable.
Kim and Torie are the first to show us the whip cream game
Way to go Kim! Picture doesn't show but Torie's landed in her eye and hair. Such a fun game.
Ada wanted to give it a try but she modified the rules for herself.
Pam and Kevin giving it a whirl. You put whip cream on your hand. Hit your arm, making the whip cream go into the air. 
Then try to catch it in your mouth. Easier said than done.
Brad and Cambria
Bria following Ada's rules
Hollie and Clark
Corby displaying his talent and then splat!
Even though everything that could go wrong, did. I think it created a memorable Ellis Reunion. Go ahead Hollie try to one up me next year, I dare ya!
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