The night before school was to begin I was feeling a little bad that we never made it to Hollywood Connections once during the crazy summer. We have passes and everything. Better late than never I say. It was not busy at all, so Corby was able to ride most of the rides. Check out his facial gestures, surely he is a fun Dad! 

I know these photos are similar but one is good of Bria and the other Corby is looking happy happy happy.
These bumper cars were the favorite of the evening. Once Ada got the hang of it, she rocked it big time. Bria was giggling so hard every time Dad ran into her. Made my heart happy to hear her squeals. Don't mind Ada, the blur, l only had my phone camera. How I missed Clarissa that evening.
These girls are lucky to have a dad who can ride the rides and create great memories with them.
Time to rest little ones, tomorrow is a big step to the rest of your life!
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