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Friday, September 27, 2013

Pep Club Homecoming

Sierra tried out for pep club and made it! We have been trying to see her perform but our schedules just haven't lined up. The weekend of Homecoming seemed to be the first opportunity. It was a chilly evening(I was in heaven) so we bundled up and braved the bleachers for the half time performance.

Poor little Ada Rae didn't quite make it in this shot but I just love it of Bria's face

 Isn't Teesh and Malia absolutely stunning.
 My girls don't understand football, I don't really myself, but I do understand that a minute can last 10 in football. The little ones were a bit antsy by the time the whistle blew for half time.

Brrrr...... for Sierra. She was in this short skirt, short sleeves and a hat. But she was brilliant and wore gloves.

 Waiting for her turn to perform out on the field.

 Sierra's friend Sylvia is in pep club with her

 Sylvia cheesin it up!

 High fives for a job well done!

 During the entire performance Bria was watching the other children roll down the letters painted on the grass. The letter H was the favorite. Here is Bria pep talking Ada to roll, run, jump, trip, etc down the steep hillside.

 Highland played against Clearfield High, which just happens to be Corby's old high school. Needless to say, Highland killed them. Poor Falcons, maybe next years.

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