Christmas Eve Fondue. Jaren and Cindy were kid free this year so they joined us in the fun. I grew up with fondue every Christmas Eve. It really is the perfect meal for a busy time of year. Just cube up steak and chicken, thaw the shrimp, bake potatoes and cut up veggies. The work comes with everyone cooking their own meat. Don't let your meat fall from the skewer or else you will have to kiss your neighbor. Teesh sadly wasn't with us this evening. She was lucky enough to land a seasonal job with UPS and ended up working till 10:30 Christmas Eve. She is such a trooper to endure those long hard hours. One kind customer receiving her package took pity on my Teesh LaReesh working so late and handed her a $10 gift card to Chili's. See there is kindness in this world of ours.
Because I had most everything ready for the morning we were able to stay up until 1:30 playing games with Jaren and Cindy. My favorite past time.
We are ready for Christmas Morning
Dora electric toothbrush, joy
This elephant was wished for every chance Bria could. It was a little sad, Ada was with me when it was purchased and she unfortunately saw it. I had to create a story for the purchase so that it could remain a surprise for Bria on Christmas morning. I told Ada I was getting it for a friend's daughter. As expected, Ada told Bria all about the elephant for Sady. Bria played with it for one day before giving it to the rightful owner. Bria broke my heart several times asking if she could just sleep with elephant once before it had to go away. She brought me her money asking if she had enough to purchase herself an elephant. The stress this creature created. Her face lit up when Bria entered the room seeing what awaited her on the couch. True Love.
stocking stuffer
Christmas happiness
I disguised Malia's I tunes cards
Love making my girls smile
Katy Perry Prism
Bria had Sierra's name in our family drawing
Sierra opening her new car stereo that we secretly installed for her
Corby, our goof ball, opening his surprise
Every year, after all the gifts have been opened, the other girls get sent on a scavenger hunt to find their final gift. How does Corby come up with the creative rhymes to send the girls all over the house inside and out but he never disappoints.
sweet pan to the face girls, oops.
Play Doh.
Malia is helping Bria with create teeth in the dental kit
What a wonderful time of year to reflect on the birth of our Savior. Let us always remember the Reason for the Season.
Merry Christmas
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