Bria is such an older spirit in a young body. She knows how to problem solve. She saved up her money to purchase a stuffed animal dog which she immediately named, Flower. She loved Flower so much she accidentally tugged a little too hard on one of the ears and off it popped! She knows I am not a seamstress and that Grandma Hansen is. She also knew we were having a get together where Grandma MIGHT attend so Bria brought her dog just in case. Now, you need to know all of this was done without my knowledge! Apparently during the visit, Bria, gave Grandma, Flower, and asked if she could fix the ear.
So this transaction happened Saturday and Thursday I am getting out of the shower and Bria greets me in my room holding Flower. She said,"I knew Grandma would fix Flower." I am completely confused and ask for more details. She said, "I saw a box on our porch when I got home from school, I knew it was for me, so I opened it". I see next to the box, a razor sharp knife(heaven help me what goes on when a mom just wants to shower) Luckily no damage was done and Flower has been reunited with her loving owner all healed and 100%
Breeta, I love you. You amaze me with your problem solving skills. You are so sweet and much much older than just 6 years old.
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