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Friday, April 25, 2014

Oink Oink

Introducing Bria Paige in her Culminating Event of her Kindergarten year. She was selected to be a pig, one of the three little piggies. I did the best I could but I had terrible seating and the guy next to me also had terrible seating so he kept arranging himself so most of my shots were of him so here is my limited supply.

Bria had been working on her part for over two months. She was so brave to get up to the microphone and proudly express herself the best way possible. Her part went as follows:
"Hard Work, No, Thank You, I'll build my house out of straw because it's easy"
She was so cute as she practiced I would encourage her to take breaths and slow down as she spoke. It was beyond cute to hear her take breaths and try to enunciate her words with emotion. Oh how I love 6 year old's and especially this 6 year old.
Abby and Bria, two best friends. Abby was Goldilocks.. Aren't they just adorable?

Getting Bria's items. See her cute classroom! Kindergarteners are just so darn cute and so innocent.
Of course, after any school program Bria knows that a treat must be enjoyed. Today we went to Macy's for a donut. Bria chose one the size of Texas and Ada got one with a cherry on top
Great job Breeta! You make your momma proud!

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