Welcome to our families thoughts, adventures, and craziness

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Reunion Time

A summer tradition for as long as I can remember, 
Ellis Family Reunion. It is on a rotating schedule so different siblings are in charge each year. This year my oldest brother, Brad headed up the fun. We went to Bear Lake, or more accurately above Bear Lake. It was incredible. Most of the family was in attendance which is no small feat, our numbers are large with grandchildren, great grandchildren and constant marriages each year. It is awesome. I love my family. We all help each other out as we set up our individual camp sites
 Visiting with Cambria and her husband Dale and their youngest Rocky
 Roo is the favorite pet brought by cousin Stacey. Bria takes the best care of her needs every chance she can.
 Ada and Cambria's 2nd child Landon. Is he not the cutest thing? He is so kind and thoughtful. He would give up his chair if he saw someone standing. Oh my goodness, adorable little boy
 Stacey is helping Grandma Ellis out with a real mess.
 Loved sitting by the campfire reconnecting with my loved ones and it was an added bonus if I got to hold one of the babies.
 Nichole braved the trip with all four of your kids. Jason was on a hike for the YM in his ward. Little Briggs is so darn cute. He keeps Nichole on her toes as he explores his surroundings. He has the deepest cutest dimples ever.

 Not enough words for these two adorable ruged outdoorsy girls. Emilia  and Dallas belong to Katie and Nichole. Seeing them hold hands is just too much.

 I can't forget my two sisters, Lara Lee and Pamela. Those smiles tell me they have been up to something and most likely its good cookin, that sister, Pam she knows how to camp cook like no other.
 Brad's family separated us into groups and we did an activity similar to "The Amazing Race" now for someone who has never watched that show it was quite fun.

 Who will win.....the race is on.

 Malia is my snuggle buddy. Every chance she can, she is either sitting on me or laying on me or something with me. 

 I would name everyone but wow that would take some time. I love my family. I am so blessed that most live close enough we see each other every few months. Family is everything and even with the ups and downs I will take mine forever!!

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