Malia decided to try out for the Drill team at Taylorsville High. She hasn't been dancing all that long so she took extra classes at a private studio and practiced and practiced her little heart out.
Week of try outs happened every morning at 5AM until 7 and Malia didn't miss a beat on any of the necessary requirements asked of her. Such determination my Malia possesses.
Friday morning as she woke to head to the last day of tryouts I surprised her with a little good luck charm. Good luck sweetie, if anyone can earn a spot out of pure hard work you come out on top. You have got this!
Auditions were from 3PM to 7PM. I showed up at the school around 6:30 to be the first to congratulate my dancer. Malia had this, no question.
The judges came out and stated that the list would be posted and if your number was on the list to enter the gym, if your number was missing you did not make the team and were asked to leave the building without showing any emotion.
No problem. Malia will be on the list number 344 will be on the list. There was quite the crowd around the freshly posted list but eventually we made our way to the front. 342, 343, 345........what? We missed it, it's there, it has to be. Shock kind of took over and Malia whispered, "mom, I'm not on the list" I said, "yes, you are sweetie, look again". Sure enough 344 was missing. Not gonna lie, it was a struggle to be obedient and hold back emotion. As we gathered Malia's items to leave an assistant approached us and asked if we had any questions. Well, yes, a pretty obvious one WHY??????
She asked us to wait for a minute as she grabbed the head coach. Ashley came out and told Malia it was a hard hard choice to not add her to the team but in the end Malia had not mastered a few key moves but to try out next year. We both smiled as she spoke and couldn't really hear much more than sorry.
As a mom these times are the hardest. Why can't I make the world never hurt my baby? Why can't I provide a flawless, painless, journey for my daughter? If I could, I would........but then she as well as myself would not learn. Sometimes hard things happen because as much as we want something there is something better just around the corner.
A few weeks later Malia was approached and asked if she would be interested in auditioning for the Taylorsville Dance Company. Malia prayed about it and felt good. The auditions had already taken place, the team was formed, but the coach, Jackie Chinn, made an exception and Malia had a private personal audition session.
Malia made the team
It only took a short time of Malia observing the Drill Team to help her be grateful for not making the team. It is too rigid and militarish and Malia enjoys having her personality shine through. Blessings among the disappointments
Malia had several friends support her at the end of year performance. It meant so much to Malia to have such a large crowd cheering for her. Thank you all so much for making sacrifices to support my daughter.
Malia was awarded the "most outstanding sophomore" dancer.....the highest award given to a sophomore. All those 6AM practices paid off little Mafria. We are so proud of you and can't wait to see what junior year brings.
We had an end of year banquet at Bucca de Peppa where tears were shed and awards received. Malia with her head coach Jackie Chinn and assistant Morgen
Malia and her two besties from the team. Their friendship formed within the first few days of practice and has stayed strong. What this picture doesn't show is they are each going their separate ways. Malia is staying with dance company, Breanna (Far left) is going drill and Mac (middle) is going cheer. Sad but good for them to each pursue their dreams.
Good job Dance Company year 2015-2016
We had an end of year banquet at Bucca de Peppa where tears were shed and awards received. Malia with her head coach Jackie Chinn and assistant Morgen
Malia and her two besties from the team. Their friendship formed within the first few days of practice and has stayed strong. What this picture doesn't show is they are each going their separate ways. Malia is staying with dance company, Breanna (Far left) is going drill and Mac (middle) is going cheer. Sad but good for them to each pursue their dreams.
Good job Dance Company year 2015-2016
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