Welcome to our families thoughts, adventures, and craziness

Friday, July 1, 2016


My bedroom has always been the "catch all" area. Unfinished projects, clutter and piles galore, and just down right not a comfy relaxing area. I really wanted this to change so we threw a fresh coat of paint on the walls, changed out the curtains and bedding and re-stained the furniture. We added a no pile rule and no unfinished projects, AKA, laundry baskets full of clean clothes shoved in corners. Wowsie has it made all the difference. When I enter our bedroom now it feels amazing. Refreshing. Enlightening and so much more. I love the colors we chose and the splash of bright green here and there. It feels awesome to see a thought turn into reality.  


 Try as a I may to keep this cat out she loves my bedroom as much as I do.

I would like to find a new picture of the Jordan River Temple and then I will say our bedroom is complete

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