Welcome to our families thoughts, adventures, and craziness

Friday, January 5, 2018


Holy Cow! How come I constantly fall short of getting on top of this ole blog world. Ugh.. progress not perfection right.
I begin fresh and free in January 2018!!
My word for this year is RELEASE. I debated between CONSISTENCY and RELEASE.  Maybe in 6 months I will switch. I have ordered a bracelet with the word Release.  I will be reminded daily of my goals..Win Win

New Year Resolutions!!!!
They get such a bad rap.
I love them.
I love fresh new beginnings.
I love a clean slate with room to change and grow.
Hello 2018, I am so glad you stopped by.
Let's get after these next 12 months, shall we?

For documentation purposes here are my goals. I break the 12 months into quarters, so 3 months or 90 day segments. Then I break down my 90 days into 30 day, 60 day benchmarks.
I create my life in 4 areas. Spiritual, Family(business), Physical, Relationships. I have found these 4 areas work hand in hand.
Here's the nitty gritty: I have been utilizing this system for over a year so some of my goals are simply building blocks upon previous goals.

90 Day Outcome:  listen(read) 90 conference talks, complete 12 endowment sessions, kneel when I    
                               pray before bed.
60 Day Benchmark: listen(read)60 conference talks, complete 4 endowment sessions, kneel daily
30 Day Benchmark: listen(read)30 conference talks, complete 4 endowment sessions, kneel daily

Because I am not pursuing a business I focus on my family in the business category but you bet your bottom dollar I pump positive energy into Corby's business. Together, we make an incredible team and far exceeded all our business goals in 2017. Happy Dance til midnight, that's right my fellow peeps. Ha Ha

90 Day Outcome: basement will be free of all things I am not moving. Each box stored, will be full
                               of usable items. Print and organize Teesh's mission and Sierra's mission will be
                               up to date.
60 Day Benchmark: go through other half of the basement storage room, getting rid of 40
                                    items daily. Update Sierra's mission on blog.
30 Day Benchmark: divide the storage room into half, get rid of 40 items daily. Learn how to upload
                                   photos and print off Teesh's mission

90 Day Outcome: Meal Prep 2x's weekly for all meals. Eat 5x's daily. Macro Counting like a boss.
                               Drink 130oz water. Get 10k steps daily
60 Day Benchmark:  monitor and make sure I am doing daily required action steps
30 Day Benchmark:  monitor daily I'm on track

90 Day Outcome: Invite 3 families over for games and fun. 1on1 time for 30 mins 12x's with girls.
                               12 dates with Corby and 2 of them are over-nighters.

60 Day Benchmark: Invite 1 family for fun. 1on1time 8x's with girls. 4 dates with Corby and 1 over
30 Day Benchmark: Invite 1 family for fun. 1on1 time 4x's w/girls. 4 dates w/Corb & 1 overnighter

How's that for ridiculously detailed? I love it. I love being accountable to the very detail. I want my girls to read this when I am dead and know exactly how I managed my thoughts and how I mapped out my life. Success is not by chance or accident. It is planned and accompanied by preparation. I am in charge of my life. I wake each day knowing what my day holds. I am a great steward over the life my creator granted me. I will not waste this precious preparatory time on mindless numbing activities. Social Media is a mind numbing tool! It's a fake world that creates a life of discontent. When I do get on Instagram I usually find myself needing to purchase something that someone suggests has changed her world. ha ha I choose to spend my time reading an empower book or out serving my fellow brothers and sisters. This is a beautiful time to be alive, lets enjoy it together out from behind a phone or computer. Don't even get me started on video games( I feel the daggers, I do but seriously video games destroy relationships) oops jumping off my soap box now. Squirrel.

If your life isn't working it's because you don't do what you say you will do. Keep your word and life really works.

The most sure way to get power in your life and to have a life that works is to do what you say you will do. To be your word. To keep and honor your word. If you say things and don't follow through, you are guaranteed to have a difficult life...a life that doesn't give you what you want.
                                                                                                                                      Setema Gali

Now for explaining my word of the year......RELEASE
I choose to release the past.
I choose to release excess body fat.
I choose to release toxic relationships.
I choose to release "should's" and "have to's".
I choose to release black and white thinking.
I choose to release limiting beliefs.
I choose to release anger that no longer serves me.

OK, do you feel like I am a therapist, you should. If you want help in anyway contact me at 1800IMaWannaBeTherapist

So hold your head up high my friends. This is the best year yet. When you feel small or insignificant find an empowering song and blast that baby through your house and dance until the small disappears. You got this! Life is amazing and never let anyone in that doesn't support you even if it's blood family members. I will be your cheerleader and I will have your back.
Now get after your life of dreams.


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