This week has been full!!
Malia spent the week in California with her choir tour. She spent two days in Disneyland, time at the beach, Universal Studios, and so much more.
She gave me a glimpse of life when she leaves for college. I didn't like it at all :( Our house feels so empty and do you know what I missed the most? My conversations with my sweet Malia. We talk a lot and I didn't realize how much I love and need it.
Glad she is home today. She had an eye opening experience learning about how her peers drink alcohol and aren't practicing the law of chastity. My sweet sheltered Malia I love you so much. Stay naive and stay sweet. I never want you to change, never.
There were four chartered buses full of students. They left Tuesday and would travel through the night and arrive bright and early for Disneyland all day! You have precious cargo mister bus driver, please take extra precautions.
Have fun my sweet little fruit cake.
See ya Sunday evening!
Later that evening Corby walked in looking like this. He's got a green sweatshirt on with brown dress slacks. I inquired, "Did you meet with clients today?" He said absolutely. He said don't worry all the ladies in my office let me know my clothes don't match. Ha ha poor Corby has a lot of wives to please. But seriously do I need to set his clothes out?
Maybelle is a little lost without her Malia. She kept following me and meowing. I know I miss Malia too. I sent this photo to Malia to help her see she is missed
We have a neighbor who has an 8 year old. The girls have taken a liking to playing with Cora daily. Of course this will happen as we are about to move. Oh well we have a few months to play still. Ada drew Cora a photo. It just makes me smile and tear up. It is so Ada. Cora has an African American father and Caucasian mother so she is a beautiful mix. I love the detail Ada used in sharing Cora's skin tone.
NPA, has an end of year culminating event. We spent the evening listening to Ada and Bria perform and explain their projects. Ada created a simple machine and Bria learned about the different mountain ranges. I do not do these projects for my children and its so hard to see the other projects that clearly were done by an adult. I passed grade school I believe my girls do their own work. Just a pet peeve I have. Some of the projects are crazy over-the-top amazing and its just not the point to the activity. Ada told me I was a stupid mom because I make her do her project alone and she never gets awards. Tough love sweetie but you'll thank me I promise.
The following day I was selected to be a chaperone for the 4th grade field trip. We went to the Natural History Museum up on University of Utah campus. That campus stressed me out. I always get lost but today was a victory and I drove right to the destination with a minute to spare as the school bus pulled up in front of the museum. I was in charge of 6 students. One boy and 5 girls, poor dude.
We had to fill out our questionnaires and had 2.5 hours to make it happen. It was entertaining and enjoyable. I know my days are numbered with miss Breeta and field trips so I was grateful I was one of the 8 selected. We had so much fun.
These students were all so kind and respectful. I love our school and the values it instills in these kids.
Look how big Bria is getting. Her kind gentle heart is amazing. She is so thoughtful and considerate of others. Savannah was walking and tripped and skinned her knee the rest of the time (2hours) all we heard were moaning with each step Savannah took. Bria always walked by her and would ask if she was ok. I love that Bria is this way. Kindness is the key to happiness.
I received tickets to Fitcon from my bootcamp instructor. Corby was a good sport and we spent Friday evening downtown at the Salt Palace. I thought the girls would be bored and I would regret bringing them but they actually had a ball and so did I. I walked into the huge room and told Corby this is my happy place I love this energy and atmosphere. Corby's response was well it isn't mine there are too many large biceps here ha ha.
There were ninja warrior obstacle courses for adults and kids. Bria and Ada played their heart out. I thought I took pictures but can't find them. I signed them up to participate all summer long. They loved it! Ada found this adorable car.
There were axe throwing contests. Corby got a bullseye. He stuck his axe with every throw and even landed it right smack in the center of the 5. He was standing in the way so I didn't a shot. But trust me he is good at his aim. He loves this kind of stuff and I love cheering him on.
I attended a few classes on fitness and just soaked up the love. Like I said, this is my place. I loved it. I loved it so much I bought tickets and spent all Saturday with Hollie there again. It was awesome. I love my sister. We have our moments where we aren't as close but its all good. She makes me laugh and feel loved and I loved my day with her. No competition. No pretend. We just got to be us all day and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I may share more about what I learned but for tonight know I went to sleep one happy lady.
Sunday was a special day for us. Teesh had some exciting things happen and asked us to be in Logan to participate in the goodness. So my 5:03am alarm went off and we took off to be in Logan by 8am. Why is it during the week getting up at 5 doesn't phase me but weekends its pure torture. Anyway, we attended church with Teesh and she made us a delicious dinner and was the most gracious host. She is one special daughter. I love the person she is and what she teaches me. She helps me be softer and kinder and more compassionate. During the meeting, the Stake President was on the stand and mentioned he was the mission president for Pittsburg mission. Now Nate just returned from that mission and I thought what are the odds. So I quickly texted Nate and sure enough same dude. Nate told me President Johnson and his wife were like a father and mother to him. After Sunday school, I approached President Johnson and asked if he remembered Elder Nathan Holdaway. He got teary eyed and said "oh, how I love that young man" We both cried for the love we share for a righteous young man who has been asked to deal with a lot. What a tender mercy for Nate and I got be a part of it. I know God watches over us. I know he is in the details of our daily lives. He is there if we will only choose to act and follow promptings. Today was a day I have been praying for over a year. I have religiously put my children's name in the temple weekly. Praying for them and their happiness. Today a miracle happened. Only better things from here on out. We spent the afternoon with Teesh but needed to get back to hear all about Malia's adventure.
Happy Sabbath Day!
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