Kim being introduced before the beginning of the game. Go #13!
Kim had 8 kills this match. She is only a freshman so watch out peeps she is unstoppable.
Kevin and Pam(my big sister), Kim's parents. Heather is also Kim's older sister, she is the one texting!
Nichole Brown, Kim's big sister

The kids really were great for the most part, but by the last set they were in need of entertaining so off Uncle Corby/Daddy went to purchase a distraction..........popcorn, my fav!
We got two bags and they did the trick. Here to the left is Brynlee deep in thought as she ponders the mysteries of life and Bria striking a pose for the photographer. You can see Kale's cute blonde head in the corner. Unfortunately neither Kale nor Teesh made it in any shots but rest assure they were there.
This picture cracks me up because once again Kale is in the photo, see his little hand reaching for the exact kernel Ada just chose. See I told you he was there. Kale was funny all weekend, he called Corby, "daddy" and would not even think of letting anyone but Corby do a thing for him. I know Corby was loving it since he won't ever get a son of his own, so Kale go ahead and have Uncle Corby be your stand in "daddy" in times of need!
Sierra and Malia enjoying the action and I do believe they were checking out the college dudes as well. Hubba hub bub
After the incredible win we got a picture of Kim with her cousins and our neighbor, Morgan.
This is a random shot I know, but here we are at a stop light waiting to get onto I15 and we have a redneck pulling his fishing boat with two Christmas trees in the boat. Now that is classy.
As I stated earlier, we had a few "extras" for the weekend. Janalee(Corby's sister) is preggers and gets super sick the first 14 weeks so she asked if we could take her offspring, so hence the "extras". Teesh met Jeremy and Janalee in Layton for the transfer.
It was an eventful weekend! Bria and Brynlee are BFF's cousins and played and played all day. They would dress up like princesses and play doll house, babies, barbies, puppies and kitchen(all their words) Ada would join in most of the time and Kale even less than Ada. Kale's main focus was to follow "daddy' around. Corby was in a car accident, poor Lila, a few weeks ago and decided this was the weekend to replace the bumper on our wounded Lila. Kale about had a come apart several times knowing "daddy" was out in the garage and he couldn't be right next to him. Poor little Kale it was a freezing day and your tiny little fingers would have been frozen. It only took Corby and Sierra a little over an hour to fix dear little Lila and with the money we saved from the insurance company we will have a bit of a more merrier Christmas.
Overall, it was a great weekend. People say you have such a large family I bet two more is nothing. Well, I must say I noticed them but it wasn't like "put me over the edge" either. I am grateful I was able to help out a fellow family member/friend and it was fun to see the cousins interact. What a great event filled weekend.
We woke up Saturday morning and had our traditional "big" breakfast Corby lives for. He is good to make it himself most weekends, he sure loves his food Saturday mornings. I know scrambled eggs and toast aren't so gourmet but the morning we had, it was as gourmet as it was going to get!
I love this shot! Here we have Kale who looks unsure, Ada sporting a huge grin, Brynlee looking like she would rather still be in slumber land and Bria in the background chowing down.
Here are the princesses. I told them to smile and that was all cute little Brynlee could bust out. She did have a fun time even if she looks a little stretched. Brynlee's mommy blogs and after I took the picture Brynlee said, "hey my mom should put that on her blog". Notice the pet dog in the pink container, it was a must to have doggy in photo too!
FYI Janalee, I did do your daughter's hair but none of the shots represent it.