Malia started ballet at En Pointe Ballet in June. Her instructor is named Rachael Ellis. (funny because my niece has that same name spelled the same way) Malia had participated in ballet when she was 4 and 5 in a different studio, but lost interest. Her instructor at that time told me Malia had a lot of talent and could go far. Malia just wasn't old enough I guess because she just hadn't found the love to continue the sport. No biggie, my job as a mother is to offer and allow, but hey, if you don't want it, I'm cool with it. So anyway, now many moons later Malia asked if she could do ballet again. Her friends from school went to this studio and we thought it would be great to have them attend together so we signed her up. She practices every Tuesday and Thursday for one hour. She loves it. She practices at our banister and in a very short time as improved dramatically.
When I picked up Malia from class last week she came running out holding a folded piece of paper, she said "guess what mom, guess what"! I knew it was good news but honestly had no idea. Her teacher has moved her to pointe instead of just ballet. It is a
huge step in such a short time but the teacher said she is just a natural. When you go on pointe you have to be fitted for your new shoes by a professional. So we made an appointment and we were off a few days later, Halloween to be exact. It took about 20 minutes to determine the right pair of shoes. I had to laugh because Malia mentioned at one point should this hurt. The fitting lady said, "yes, you are standing on your toes".
Malia's true colors shown bright during this situation. She knew her shoes and accessories would cost a lot and has $150 saved in her bank account. She came to me and offered to use her money to pay, melted my heart. What a sweetheart! I told her we could afford to pay and she should keep her money for her. Then the day she was told of her advancement to pointe, her friend did not get moved up. They discussed it as I was driving them home and was so impressed with how mature they both were being. After Brynn exited the car, I asked Malia about whether or not Brynn felt bad. Malia said that during school they had discussed it and told each other they would not boast if one got it when the other did not or say anything to make the other feel bad. And that they would be happy for whoever was moved up. Can you believe the maturity? Malia is a one-of-a-kind gal. I couldn't be more proud of her and the young woman she is becoming.
Malia trying out her new shoes and what do you know, the most expensive were the perfect fit, good thing we have a money tree in our back yard!
Gaynor Minden |
These shoes will last about one year. Malia had to sew her elastics and ribbons on herself. Her instructor taught her how and it took Malia about 4 hours to finish. Malia is a stick to the task kind of girl and sewed her pointe shoes to perfection.
Looking forward to her first recital this June!
In the same week Sierra passed her test and is now the proud owner of a learners permit. She struggled a little to pass but after studying "when no one else had to" she was able to pass as well. She even drove me home after the test. I have to say Sierra is brave, maybe a little too brave. She dares do things that I am just not sure is the best choice. She is safe just daring. I told Corby he gets the parenting job on this one and Corby gladly accepted so happiness all around!
She is so excited to be displaying her new prize. Good job sweetie!
Here she is again
Sierra Jane
The long awaited prize!
I love you little beautiful daughter of mine |
So proud of you Sierra and please please stay off the sidewalks, nothing good comes from sidewalks. Just kidding, love you my beautiful daughter.
I wasn't able to attend Malia's choir concert because of the awards banquet for cross country for Leticia and Sierra. We were fed lasagna from olive garden and the parents each brought dessert to share. It is interesting to me, a lot of store bought desserts showed up and I brought homemade. Is homemade a thing of the past? Leticia helped me with this task and made a pumpkin bar with cream cheese frosting, it was delicious. Thanks Teesh for helping a mother out once again.
Coach Rowles gave out awards and at the end presented Leticia with a Letter. Teesh lettered in cross country, what an amazing honor. To Letter you must show dedication and improvement.
Leticia Elizabeth |
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Receiving her award from her two coaches |
These awards and accomplishments are fabulous and both Corby and I couldn't be prouder but deep down it wouldn't matter what our girls do or don't we love them and are always proud of them. Go Hansen Sistas!
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