I sort of belong to two different book clubs and this book was introduced to me through one of them. Now, let me set the record straight, I am not much of a reader, I have read probably 10 books over the past year. I enjoy reading but that hasn't always been the case. I am not the kind of person when I have a spare minute I'll grab a book but every so often I find a good book and will enjoy it. This book had a profound impact on me. I don't know if it is because I can relate on so many levels or what, but wow talk about life changing. I will try to describe in my own words what it is about but it is a small 227 page book that is a very easy read. I highly recommend it the next time you are at the library, check it out.
When author John Kralik's life hit a desperate low, he decided on New Years Day that if he could focus on what he had instead of what he didn't have, that perhaps his life would become at least tolerable. He was losing his law firm, getting a second divorce, had strained relationships with his 3 children, and just felt like it would be easier to have a heart attack than to continue the path he was traveling.
He was walking in the mountains one day and heard a voice tell him if he couldn't be grateful for the things he had, he would never get the things he wanted. He learned that he did not even know how to spell grateful correctly. He decided to write 365 thank yous the following year. I don't want to spoil the story but it was an amazing transformation that occurred in his life as well as mine.
I too, have made it a goal to send out thank yous to those people who have taught me life lessons. I truly believe that if we train ourselves to look for good we will see good. The opposite is also true! I honestly can say I use to be so positive and optimistic but through the rough patches of life, I have allowed myself to become the opposite. Through this read, I learned that it is necessary to forgive others and remember people can change. If we choose to allow people to move past their wrongs we all can enjoy a more enriched abundant life. If I can forgive others than maybe others will be willing to give me a second chance as well. We are all here learning and growing and yes we make mistakes. The real tragedy is when we never see the growth that happens when we look past mistakes. I know I am guilty of this and will try this new year to be less grudge holding and look for the good in others. And maybe as an extra bonus others might do the same for me.
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