Welcome to our families thoughts, adventures, and craziness

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Two Week Break

Between Christmas and New Years is kind of a hard time. I love that we are out of our rigid routine of homework, carpooling, lessons, and so on but what I get are teenagers who sleep in till noon, lay around on the couch and are basically bumps on a log. Now, I am all about a little R&R every now and then but two weeks is a bit much.
Ok, my girls didn't do nothing everyday but almost :)
Here are our last two weeks in a nutshell.
Friends came over and hung out a lot. Conner and Sierra making one of our families favorites,
I know these sound gross but they are so delish! It was a bit of torture for Teesh and I because we have not had any dessert items in over 3 months so to smell these cooking was a bit too much. Corby would like to do the no dessert challenge with us but he can't quite commit. He will say he will begin on Monday but we all know what that means, no biggie not everyone is as cool as Teesh and I and that is OK!
I love this photo for many reasons, the pink apron Sierra gave to Connor, the squash cooling on the stove top and the Frito in the lower corner. We have lots going on here and really only one is good for you but hey it is the holidays!
I have more photos of the rest of my family but I have seemed to have lost them. I tell you this getting older bit is not that much fun. I swear my mind is losing it big time. When I locate the missing photos I will be sure to add them.
We are back into the swing of regular life again and I have to say it feels good.
Here's to 2013 and routines!

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