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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Articles of Faith

Last year in primary,  the children were challenged to memorize the 13 Articles of Faith. Ada jumped on that train and busted them out in no time. Each week she passed another one off. Bria was a bit apprehensive to share but she found the courage and also passed off all 13. This was no small feat and I am so proud of them. 
It is so rewarding to set a goal, power through it, and see it accomplished. 
Corby told the girls he would take them anywhere for dinner once they achieved their goal.
Unanimously they both yelled "The Roof". Corby took our family there before Sierra left on her mission and for Mother's Day. The girls loved the option to eat as much as you desire and the multiple dessert bars was hard to forget.
The goal has been accomplished for months now but our schedule has not had flexibility but tonight we made it happen.

Can't beat the view.

I laughed out loud when I pulled out my camera and Ada went right into pose. Clearly she has been raised with teenagers.
Sure am proud of my girls and their effort to do things that are scary and hard. Hope they remember they can accomplish any thing they put their mind and heart to. 
Hansen's do Hard!

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