This girl, Malia Ruth, sure keeps me on my toes. Her schedule is not for the faint of heart. I want to remember this crazy full, exciting, exhausting time, so I will give you a play by play of our last week with Malia Ruth!
Please know that this is a very typical week schedule.
We had Parent Teacher Conference on Monday. Most of my friends don't feel the need to attend especially if their child is doing great but I love the opportunity to hear others share their feelings about my children. I get teary eyed several times knowing this is my last PTC for Malia ever. So final!!! Her teachers are all pretty outstanding and since she is in honors or AP classes its not your typical students. We discussed the upcoming AP tests and making sure she is registered and all her fees are paid for. Good thing we have a money tree in our backyard because these tests aren't cheap and she is taking 3 tests. Every teacher raved about how amazing Malia is and what a kind attentive young woman she is. I love that others can see what I see. I love being her mother. So blessed!
Then we go to Seminary PTC. Now let me back up a bit, Malia has struggled this year. Her teacher is such a critical, push Malia's buttons type of guy. Last PTC he was like if you have concerns I want to hear about them. As the months have gone on, I have listened to Malia's concerns so I felt it was a great opportunity to address some of them. I asked Malia before hand and she said it was fine. So when he asked if I had any concerns I said as a matter of fact I do. I shared that he is so hard on Malia and to constantly tell her she isn't doing enough as seminary council member was a little too much. He, in his type 4 nature, didn't take any personal ownership for the situation and even asked Malia to look deep to see what she was doing that was causing this. It was a nightmare situation, one I immediately regretted beginning. We left feeling like yikes! Next day in class he called Malia out of class and demanded she tell him more reasons why she feels the way she does. She was being attacked and she was scared so she began to cry and long story short it was ultimately embarrassing as Malia then had to sit in class with everyone staring knowing she had been crying. I am so proud of Malia because she eventually found her voice and told the teacher exactly what he does that is hard and hurtful. Yay sweetie I am proud of you for doing hard. You have got this thing called life by the horns girl.
A few days later, while I was on my cruise, the teacher phoned me and requested we talk but obviously I didn't get the message and by the time I was back to be contacted he removed Malia from his class. Now Malia has a new teacher and she is so much happier. So I am glad I brought it up. Not all personalities area a good fit and that's ok. Malia sent me a text after day one with a new teacher
"Mom, I was transferred out of seminary and for the first time I could sit and feel the spirit and not feel judged"
Wednesday, Malia was awarded the honor of attending the Presidential Banquet at UVU for her high ACT score as well as her GPA. Corby and I were both invited to attend with her. It was a fabulous evening. We met lots of the advisors on campus and even had a tour of the campus. We met with Deans from the different departments. It was a full fun evening. We had a gourmet meal and listened to a geneticist as the keynote speaker. His talk a little, ok a lot, over my head! Malia made the decision to accept her scholarship and attend UVU next year. We even signed a contract for her housing so she is all set come August. So fun to see all of Malia's hard work come full circle and she be rewarded for it. Wow, I am just so proud of her. Not for her accomplishments but for her setting goals and in her heart never giving up. Can't ask for better than a daughter who never gives up even when I am sure there were times she wanted to.
Next night, Thursday, we got to race from NPA where Breeta performed in the talent show, Bria played Jingle Bells. Gotta love a free spirit who does her own thing! I requested Bria be the first act and then we raced to beat all odds and get to the East side of the City in 25 minutes to watch Malia perform at the District Dance Concert. It was a miracle but we arrived with 4 minutes to spare. When we got there we noticed that the dance being performed was one Malia choreographed for her Sterling Scholar performance. It was beautiful. Malia knows how to choreograph dances that create emotion and connection, it was beautiful to watch. The dance company did a phenomenal job performing it.
Friday, Malia and I attended a play for her to get credit for one of her classes. It was titled 12 Angry Jurors. It was so good. I normally don't fully understand plays, especially ones I am unfamiliar with and if they are written by people named Shakespeare ha ha We ate Chic-fila and enjoyed the play together. The weather was a bit dicy so we didn't do much else.
Sunday, Malia spoke as a member of Seminary Council in a fellow students ward. It's such a privilege to go and listen to her speak. She has a way with words and just had the audience eating out of her hand. There are about 12 students who make up the Seminary Council. The students asked to be on the council are the cream of the crop. These students are blow your mind amazing. Every one of them share faith building experiences and they just express themselves amazing. I love every time I can go and listen to them. I have been trying to get our ward to allow them to come but I live in an area where its strongly controlled by tradition. If they haven't done it then we can't consider it. So annoying! When will people see change is such a great thing. Change brings about growth. Tradition has its place but so does new ideas. climbing off soap box now......
Almost weekly I get to see my Malia in action. She is dancing, speaking, or serving and I love sitting and supporting her. I am your biggest cheerleader honey and I hope you never forget it. I have your back 100% of the time and I firmly believe that you can achieve anything you desire with a well planned out goal. You've got this thing called life my angel girl Mafria.
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