Welcome to our families thoughts, adventures, and craziness

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Hansel and Gretal

This semester in school, Malia was in Theater. She worked hard on her parts and did a fantastic job on both of her performance nights. She was a dancer and a gingerbread cookie. She even sang a solo. Enjoy her performance through pictures.

 Avery, Malia's BFF, was the mother of Hansel and Gretal.

 The play was so entertaining the little girls were mesmerized.. It is fun to see them grow up and have an attention span. They even laughed at the funny parts. Hello to being entertained, Yay!
 Here is Malia as a frozen gingerbread cookie

 The cast of Hansel and Gretal. Hope you know the story, if you don't, call Malia she will happily tell you.

 This was the girl's favorite part when the wicked witch became a cookie. The witch was tricked into climbing into the oven.

 A gingerbread cookie deserves bright beautiful flowers at the end of a fantastic performance.

 Aunt Hollie and Teesh came down to support the sister!


 After a grand performance Avery spent the weekend with us. Crazy came out a little too much and Malia and Avery became 1 Direction fans. They were singing and dancing all over. It is good to see Malia have such a great connection with a friend.

 Beautiful Flowers for a beautiful girl inside and out

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