Welcome to our families thoughts, adventures, and craziness

Monday, January 29, 2018

Gettin Grove Back

I did it! I finally found my next gig. Yay. Happy Dance.
I have been in such a rut for over 10 months with my workout. I am a social person and Gold's has been such a blessing in my life for the last 21 years. I have had a membership there and really been so happy. I have had a strong network there and between the classes and open gym system I have had the perfect situation for me and the friends I have made there are just irreplaceable. Familiar faces each morning has been amazing for me. Sign me up. Well, Gold's turned to Vasa and the contract system changed and that meant most of my friends left and joined other gyms. I continued to attend the gym but it felt empty, hollow, and just sad (being completely honest). I kept forcing myself and eventually I just quit altogether. I have a home gym and I used that regularly but lets face it, social and a workout in the basement just doesn't cut it.
So, I have been searching for the gym that fits my groove. I have been attending class after class in gym after gym and guess what.....I found it. Ironically it is the rec center across the street from my house. I attend Boot Camp at 5:30am Monday through Friday for an hour. I will still do things at home because with this program the instructor gives us extra challenges and of course if an extra challenge is extended I will participate. This week the extras are:
walk/run 3-5 miles twice during the week,
drink half of body weight in ounces daily,
state positive affirmations daily about myself. i.e.) I am amazing  I am a finisher
clean eating, no processed food

So, yay I am so excited. There's a lady in my bootcamp group who is at least 75 or older and man she is a rock. She is so thin and frail but she is consistent and she pushes herself. I hope to be exercising at 75,85, and even into my 90's. Charmane is my hero.

Ada, my poor last child, has never had a birthday party and she is 8. Now, this wouldn't be that big of a deal except sister, Bria, has had 5 parties and the inequality is unacceptable.  Problem has been June is a tough time for a bday(nothing like December I get it but its been tough for us) dance is at the peak in June. Anyway, enough with the excuses, so last year I told Ada we would have a party for her in January. Miss Ada Rae wasn't going to let me forget it. She was on me like jelly on peanut butter. Mom, it's January, every week. So some plans were established and now my Ada can say she had a birthday party. It was a success.
She had it all planned out and only wanted to invite 15 girls ha ha
Invitations were bought, pinata ordered, and all the goodies were ready to go a week before needed. BAMM!
We reserved space at Jungle Jims and knowing Malia was performing this same day. I thought I was doing things so great, both girls get supported, one in the morning one in the afternoon. Well, that was great in theory but sadly I ended up needing to be in two places same time but it all worked out. I spent the morning early afternoon at Copperhills supporting Malia and then celebrated Ada. Winning all around. Looks like Christmas around here!

Teesh came home to attend a class with me Thursday and Friday. It's called Break Free Intensive. I have attended this particular class many times and every time I walk away.....MIND BLOWN........
Man it was a great two days with my sweetie. Teesh is just an all around amazing young woman. I truly enjoy my time with her. She is kind, loving and just a great catch. So if you know any single awesome guys in the age range of 22-27 give me a ring a ling. SHHHH.....don't tell teesh. For lunch we went to fulfill my dream of eating at Slapfish. If you haven't eaten there run, don't walk, run to this place. It was blow my socks off wonderful. Yummy!

After dance and bday parties and classes you would think we would just sit around and enjoy being home relaxing, well no that's not what we do. We go to 9pm movies. Teesh wanted to see "My Favorite Girl" it was so good. Highly recommend it. Plus with Teesh's discount and our movie passes the evening cost us. (drum roll........$1.92) break the bank I know. We are so spoiled.

Sunday I made several freezer meals for our upcoming cruise and my dear friend Becca. Her sister hung herself this past week. So sad. Suicide is just a sad topic. To think someone is so lost that death would be a better option leaving your children and husband is just sad. Life is hard no denying it but if you are ever at the point where death is your only option will you please reach out for help. Help is out there and I promise the sun will come out brighter and bigger in time. Hang in there my friend you have options I promise. Hugs to dear sweet Becca.
Corby felt strongly about visiting his mother so we loaded up a meal and made a quick visit. It worked out nice since Teesh was headed back to Logan and so her drive was half as long winning! Hear a theme here....
Grandma Hansen was thrilled to have us. We ate lasagna that I had previously made and enjoyed small talk for about an hour. We had a meeting we needed to get home to and Gma Hansen had a party to attend so we said our goodbyes.
We have a fancy car named Lucy. She tells you the tire pressure of each tire or lack of. Lucy was a screaming that one tire was a tad low like normal is 38 and she was at 20.  Pulled over, took a gander, found a nice round hook so back to grannies we went. Corby is a rockstar with tire changing and within 15 minutes we were back in business.
We missed our meeting but we got home safely so winning!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Art of Desire

Are you sitting down?
Is your seat belt on?
Let's go on a ride, an adventure, that hopefully will be as life changing for you as it was for me.

Thanks for joining me. Wow, so much awesome information I learned. I love learning. I love implementing what I learn. I love improving. I love changing. I love progressing. Contentment is not growing. If you aren't doing things that scare you, you aren't living. I challenge you to do something each day that scares the crap out of you!! Report back and tell me how amazing your life becomes as you adopt this method. There's power in challenging our thoughts and actions.

I am not sure where to start so I will begin with my take aways.
Neediness makes it so we don't get to choose. It's so unattractive. Let me explain. When our partner or ourselves are so needy, requiring those around us to build us and tell us we are good enough it becomes a job and takes the opportunity to choose our spouse and inserts obligation in our relationship. Needy moms create children with a job to take care of their mom and they actually grow resentment towards the mom because they feel like they can't have a better life then their mother without hurting her.

Jennifer showed a video, a Mormon Message. I can't find the title but when I do I will add it.  So powerful this message was.  It portrays this mother "doing all the right things" making breakfast for her children, helping a son who was irresponsible and put off his science fair project, meeting a sister at a park to provide a listening ear, taking dinner to a fellow ward member, watching a neighbors kid so mom can go to Dr. appointment. The video began with a text from a cousin who lives out of state and is inquiring for a visit as she has a lay over in the same city as the woman in the video. This lady is so excited to spend quality time with a cousin. She arranges a sitter for the evening and sets out to accomplish her day. As these service opportunities pile higher and higher she finds herself more exhausted keeping up and even putting her needs on the back burner as others ask for her help. She doesn't feel like she can say no as our leaders encourage us to lose ourselves in the service of others. In the end, the cousin is unable to meet up as her plane was delayed so the woman is upset her "night out" resulted in staying home. Her children begin arguing and the mom was stretched so thin she became angry and yelled at her kids to go to bed. Her son asks if they can have evening prayer and during the prayer one of our prophet's replays through his voice how each act of service is so valuable. For example, the mother going to the Dr. was given the terrible news that her baby had died.
Now before you think I am all against service and what our prophets have to teach us hear me to the end.
In class, we discussed in a thorough manner all the hidden messages portrayed in this 5 minute video and how damaging the message is. Eye opening because as things were mentioned I thought to myself ------yes yes! this has been my concerns for many years! I have found my people.
The message that we should do the right thing and serve and serve and serve needs to stop. We have the right to say no I need to put myself first this time without judgment.
When we give and give it grows resentment if we don't give for the right reason. There's this give-receive cycle and it's real. The message is give give give service is godliness but guess what someone has to receive if someone is giving.  In the video, as the woman continually said yes all day long her service was more about wanting to be seen and controlling her outcomes. If I do this others will think I am good enough or valued or insert what ever is your reason for saying yes when you don't really want to. Also not asking for help is really a sign of arrogance. We convince ourselves its out of kindness but the truth is it is out of arrogance. Not asking for help is saying no one else can do this but me.
So how does this translate into the bedroom and in sexuality. In a marriage, we are taught by well intended leaders that obeying the law of chastity is the highest good. and they are correct but what we need to focus on is why not just do it. Jennifer did her dissertation for her doctorate on LDS women and how they view sexuality. Most of the women in her study which was thousands BTW obeyed out of fear of judgment. What will my bishop think of me. I don't want to disappoint, blah blah. Jennifer wants to change the message that we obey the law of chastity because want to not because of an outside source. She said those ladies who chose to keep their virtue out of saving it for love in a marriage experience the oneness that is intended in a marriage. The ones who either broke the law of chastity so a boyfriend would like them or stay with them suffer to a large degree in their marriage to obtain an orgasm and a closeness in their marriage.
Jennifer said the best way to help our youth as you explain the importance of keeping the law of chastity is to explain how it is a natural response when exposed to visual or touch. Nothing wrong with the arousal you experience and its best to talk about the arousal but what our culture does is shame people for getting aroused and so it keeps hidden which promotes pornography and masturbation. She actually encourages masturbation (gasp) she said we must be able to understand how our body responds in order to fully experience all that making love offers. An orgasm is not the end all, its one small part of making love. We are after the emotion and physical connection. I was just siting there going(happy dance in my head) you go girl. To say I identified with her words is a huge understatement. I have found so much peace in her words and this course I took.

I have hours and hours to share I won't but I do want this message shared Women have more purpose than to satisfy your partner and birth children. It is not selfish to put yourself above your children and your spouse. And if you are in a relationship where your spouse doesn't step up and give you a few days to be you then hire a sitter. He can use his "Time off work" for you. I promise you'll be a more complete mother and wife for the time off. You are worth it. Remember the analogy of the airplane, put your oxygen mask on yourself first then your children. We can only give as much as we have. If our tanks are empty or low our family suffers. The commandment found in John "Love your neighbor as ye love yourself" what does that commandment say? oh love yourself first. So friends say no, its ok, someone else can make the dinner or bring a dish to the funeral. Please serve that's not what I am saying but serve out of love not out of neediness or validation. I hope this makes sense. It's such a beautiful message.
So now let's fast forward to a few days ago when Corby and I were attending a family funeral and one of Corby's cousins came up and asked him if he calls his mom often. Corby replied with probably not as often as I should but yes I do. His cousin looked him square in the eyes and said you need to be there for your mom it's your responsibility. I just was stunned. The guts others have and how pushy we are as church members to force our view points onto others. I put into practice what I just learned and responded to my husband you do what feels right to you, remove shame and guilt. This is a new day and this church we belong to as much as I love it revolves around shame, punishment and should have's but not for our house. As for me and my house we will do what we feel is right not what other's expect. And if you are wondering how we will handle when family tells us what we should do our response is "Thanks for sharing"

Thanks for listening to me as I recount the take aways. I loved this class. I loved the message and I hope you will take away that you get to choose what you want. Heavenly Father gave us a brain, talents, and he expects us to create and do good. So get out there and do good. Do good in your home. Do good in your neighborhood. Do good for YOU. Leave judgement at the door and choose love. Everyone has a journey and they are doing the best they can just like you are. You want others to give you the benefit right so be the first to give the benefit to a stranger or loved one. Remember you are a literal daughter of God and he created your body for pleasure and joy. Good girls enjoy sex and are not sluts. Oh there's so much.
But I will close.
Deep Thoughts and I hope you explore your body and find out what creates the most pleasure for you. You are worth it! and please talk openly with your children and remove shame when your kids explore. They deserve a safe place to learn and grow.

Monday, January 15, 2018


I have a group of friends where we have gotten together each month for over 18 years!!!!! Isn't that just amazing. Give it up for great long lasting friendships. Man I love these ladies, I'm a better individual because of Amie, Mindy, Tina and Tricia. We all have different religions and stages of life but we love each other without judgment and pretense. We enjoyed dinner and movie Monday evening. We saw Jumanji. It was good and extra funny due to my company. Amie is my bright little light. She is just comedic. We use to stay out until 2 or 3 am but now that old age has set in we are lucky if we make it to 11pm kind of pathetic I know but we are grandmas(I'm not but some are so we must act responsible now) I usually have such a grateful heart at the end of my GNO. This week though our friend, Mindy, informed us she is moving to Missouri as soon as her house sells. I am so happy for her but sad at the same time. Where I am building is literally a few blocks from her house and we were making plans of walking and working out together. I wish you the best Mindy Moo but you better come back and visit often. Tricia got divorced and moved to Las Vegas so we only see her on rare occasions. Change is bittersweet!

Tuesday history was made! The world received a new prophet and leader, Russel M. Nelson. I was unable to listen to the broadcast but I sustain him as our Prophet. I have struggled with the church and the gospel and I will say this, the Church is ran by mortal men who make mistakes and that's ok. There are traditions in the Church that are flat out false but the Gospel is true. I can move forward with this knowledge. I know God will use President Nelson to further his gospel message and all is well in ZION.
I am on the hunt for a new work out facility. I have been checking lots of places out and tonight was no exception. I loved what I found in this new place in Sandy but they only offer evening classes so its a no go but it was fun to workout with a group of like minded people.
 I will find what I am looking for I will. Keep the prayers coming!

I delivered about a tree's worth of papers to our realtor this week.  Have I mentioned we are building a house, buying a building for our business, selling our existing home, selling our 4plex and purchasing a duplex? paperwork......... I love this process(some may say you are crazy but I love this energy of moving forward) I refuse to let fear hold me back will we have set backs, 100% guaranteed but I am not willing to sit back in fear because of the chance something won't pan out as planned and just think what if things turn out better than expected, deep thoughts.
Life is about expanding and growing. It's all so exciting. We are in charge of our lives!

Now for the juice of my week. I attended a class Thursday and Friday that pretty much rocked my world. I found my tribe! 100 women who think like me! It was so inspiring and magnificent. I loved every minute of the time I spent in this energy. I took a course titled Art of Desire by Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife. She has her PhD in Sexuality for LDS Women. It was the most glorious class ever. All my issues were discussed. First off the shaming in the church is just not right. I have so much more to say on this topic. I will do an entire post on it but let me gather my thoughts.  So stay on the edge your seats because I will be back I promise

After class on Thursday I had to race from south Jordan to West valley to officiate 3 basketball games. It's part of my calling. So if you are ever looking for me look for stripes every Thursday evening with a whistle. For the most part the audience is kind and patient as I attempt to do the best I can. Lets just say refereeing basketball is no small feat. In the end, things worked out and everyone left happy.. Go Church Ball!

Saturday, we had the privilege to honor a wonderful man. Mel Thompson, Shanna's(Earnest's sister) husband, passed away peacefully at home at the age of 92. You know I have attended my fair share of funerals and all of them are wonderful for different reasons but this day I was just silenced over and over and found myself in deep thought and awe. As his 14 children, 51 grandchildren, and 83 great grandchildren, gathered to honor him and share tender memories of his life I thought what do I want my legacy to be. What do I cherish and want others to remember me by at my death? Mel was amazing. Such a christ like man who honored his priesthood and honored his patriotism.
After the funeral, we celebrated by taking our little girls who did fantastic during the meeting BTW, to lunch at Burger Bar. There food is just.............Yummy! The homemade buns, special fry sauce, and just the memories around the joint. That was one of our first dates for Corby and I over 25 years ago.
Our conversation as we traveled back home was surrounded around what our funerals will look like and why don't we have a burger bar closer to our home. ha ha
Like most Saturdays we had a list of "to do's" and then rewarded ourselves with a movie "The Greatest Showman" I am not one who jumps on the popular wagon so if something is hip and cool I will wait until the hype simmers or not see it at all. But Malia saw it and said you've got to go mom, so I did.  It did not disappoint. It went along with the theme of my weekend thoughts. Life is getting after what you want and stop blaming circumstances. I won't spoil the movie just in case someone hasn't seen the movie but it has several powerful messages and I loved it!
Sunday we had my sister, Hollie and family, over for sister dinner. This is another tradition we have embodied for over 15 years. I love it! We switch each month who hosts but if its at your house you provide the meal and the other sister brings dessert. We sometimes have FHE or play games or just connect as a family. With our children getting older its so fun to get updated on the latest and greatest. Man my family is pretty awesome. I love that my girls get to see their older cousins live their life and see how choices impact futures. So much happiness filled my soul!! and best part, Hollie is a grandma and so I get to pretend when little Ry is here. She is a ball of fun and so cute. She is 18 months and talks so well and is so coordinated. Impressive. Her daddy is a collegiate football player and he insists she will be a ball handler ha ha Have you ever seen a little 18 month old catch a ball thrown at her? Ry can do it over and over. I was dying it was the cutest thing ever.

Every Sunday night as I begin my bedtime routine I write to my sweet Magera. I miss her so much. Some weeks more than others but especially when my family is all together.  She is doing a great work and I will sacrifice and share her but oh how my heart longs to hug her and be reunited. She always writes me my own personal email each week and it usually holds exactly what I need to hear that week. She is living so close to the spirit and she allows it to direct her. I love her letters.  I hear her personality in each letter. She has almost been gone 7 months, only 2 more and we are over the half way point.  Missionary life is the best and I am so grateful she chose to serve and she is allowing the spirit to direct her daily choices.
Another week in the history of our crazy life. So blessed and grateful.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Lashes,Callings, and Awards

So many exciting happenings these past few weeks. I have wanted to get lash extensions for years. I have always thought they would be to expensive and a royal pain and lets get real, I didn't think I "should"spend that kind of money on me.....insert selfishness!!!
Well, after years of research and inquiries I finally got over myself and made my first appointment. Um, can we say life changing. I love them and so does Corby so its a win win. My lash lady, Jenise, is the best. I will tell you if you desire lashes get a good one who knows her stuff. Jenise is a professional in every way. Her work is so natural(you know what I mean, we have all seen those lashes that are just......) spend the extra and get someone who's good.
So now that I have so much free time on my hands (since I don't apply mascara anymore) lets talk about what else we've been up to.
Corby rocked his profession this year. Mind blowing how well he did. He finished the year in 3rd place (barely missing 2nd place by a few notches) in his company Futurity First. I am not sure how to describe Corby's achievement but out of a nation wide company with thousands of agents Corby was 3rd highest in the company. That is no small feat. Dreams do come true peeps, we are the only people who stand in our own way. Get out there and make a difference my friends. Every year Corby writes himself a check with the amount he will gross that upcoming year. At first I would roll my eyes and say whatever but when it happened for 5 years straight I became a believer ha ha.
For 2018, he jumped the end number up many 0's. If you have questions about vision boards and how they work I would be happy to explain the process. The feeling of achieving something, especially if it's something others have told you you can't achieve is one of the finest feelings around. BAMM!

Malia dances for Taylorsville High School. In fact, she is the president of Dance Company. She is a natural leader and really loves performing. She performed at two half time basketball games this week. I love watching her graceful body in her element. Such a beautiful art.  Whenever I get to attend a high school basketball or volleyball game my mind drifts to memory lane. Man was high school awesome. I loved my years in high school and especially on the court. I would not want to go back but what fond memories I hold for the sports. Look out for #32 ha ha

Thursday evening we were fortunate to attend an awards banquet for Corby held at the Gathering Place in Gardener Village in West Jordan. I love sitting by people I don't know and come away feeling like I have new friends who inspire and uplift me. This industry my husband is a part of is just full of good hearted souls. We gave a moment of silence for a fellow agent who passed away a few months earlier. Such a sad story. He was 46, married and raising 5 children in Paradise Utah. He just didn't feel right so he made an appointment and a few hours later was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. He was given 6 months with chemo to live or 3 months without. He tried one round of chemo and said no thanks I will take quality over quantity he passed away only 2 weeks later. Many of the nearby agents pooled their money and collected over $30k so this man could take his family to Disneyland. His youngest child is 10, heartbreaking. Another testament to my heart that we live each day with no regrets life is unpredictable and too short. Don't get caught up in the petty things and always leave someone feeling better about themselves than you found them. Luckily this man had life insurance and his family will be ok financially. Get your life in order even if you are 20, you just never know!!! During this evening this beautiful lady kept smiling at me and I thought "oh wow, she is gorgeous and nice too" Afterwards she came up to me and said "I keep seeing you and I can't remember how I know you but you are so familiar to me" side note, Corby and I attended fit expo a few weeks earlier and apparently she saw me there too. As soon as I looked at her I said we worked out at Golds Gym in West Valley together. She smiled and said yes, thats it. It was fun to reconnect with that part of my life, such good memories. I miss that camaraderie.
The highlight of the evening, listening to our guest speaker, Steve Starks. He is the President of the Jazz  and works for the same company as Teesh La Reesh. He is a stake president and has 3 little girls. If I had to guess he is in his early 30's. I think we have another President Monson on the horizon. He worked side by side Larry H. Miller and was mentored by a great man. Larry Miller has done so much good in this world. He had a heart of gold and knew how to create dreams. Steve gave a powerful message about going after your goals and keeping your eye on the end goal. To never be complacent and theres always something to improve. This was particularly impactful for me as I had two different ladies tell me the previous week that they were completely content with their life and had no desire to change. It struck me off guard when it was said the first time but then a second time really engaged my mind. Now I am not saying to never find contentment and never be satisfied but  the part that is confusing to me is why wouldn't you want excellent when your life is considered great. Isn't one of the purposes of living this life to learn and grow? To each their own but I thought when I heard this comment and then repeated I actually felt sad for my friends. Let your light shine!!!! We can always improve. We are enough don't get me wrong its just you can do more than you think you can at the same time.

My girls were out of school Friday so we filled the morning up with errands and secured my Mafria's passport. She is headed to Dominican Republic in May. Man time is flying, May will be here in a few more blinks. My girls get drug around so much so we kept the errands to a minimum and the girls got to get their creative juices flowing and played with EVERY toy we own all day. It was glorious. Early Saturday morning I was up with my calling. I am the Stake Sports Specialist for YW and older more mature women. What that means is I must make sure the building is open and we have the supplies available. Because I am an overachiever I play with the other ladies ha ha. Its a hard job but I try. I ended up playing 2 hours of basketball and 1 of volleyball. Got a few kills with some spikes, my glory days....felt so good and then I came home to sleep for 2 hours ha ha.. My body isn't in Kansas anymore.

Around 6pm,  we piled in our truck and headed to Midway. Malia wasn't able to come. We went to the Ice Castles. Not to be negative or a downer but this year was the worst I've seen. So disappointing. We made the most of it and still had a good time but if it was your first time going please give it one more try. I think the lack of snow and the man made snow was the first issue. We did get to see some fire people and even had front row seats. Like I said it was a good evening just not like in previous years. We got soaked as we slide down slides without snow pants! Yay for feeling like we urinated ourselves (insert fact smack emoji) why we didn't wear snow pants was just a little confusing to myself. On the bright side we hardly needed a coat throughout the evening and we rode a shuttle to the parking lot. See not all bad. Teesh and James joined us in the evening fun. I love spending time with my family sure do miss Sierra and Malia.
Sunday we spent the time in Pleasant Grove supporting Brooklyn Dahl as she embarks on her new journey in Romania. She is one impressive young lady. She gave a discourse at her farewell that just left my jaw dropped. These youth are so prepared for this calling to bring souls unto Christ. Watch out Romania, Brooklyn is a force to remember. We enjoyed our time with cousins, aunts and uncles. My family is so huge(three more babies to be joining the crew in 2018) that it's hard to make connections but today it was great. Getting reacquainted is my passion. I love hearing all the accomplishments that are happening. We have two new RN's in the family a few more dental hygienist and 8 missionaries.

There's my week in a nutshell. It was fun, full and family. I will take it.

Friday, January 5, 2018


Holy Cow! How come I constantly fall short of getting on top of this ole blog world. Ugh.. progress not perfection right.
I begin fresh and free in January 2018!!
My word for this year is RELEASE. I debated between CONSISTENCY and RELEASE.  Maybe in 6 months I will switch. I have ordered a bracelet with the word Release.  I will be reminded daily of my goals..Win Win

New Year Resolutions!!!!
They get such a bad rap.
I love them.
I love fresh new beginnings.
I love a clean slate with room to change and grow.
Hello 2018, I am so glad you stopped by.
Let's get after these next 12 months, shall we?

For documentation purposes here are my goals. I break the 12 months into quarters, so 3 months or 90 day segments. Then I break down my 90 days into 30 day, 60 day benchmarks.
I create my life in 4 areas. Spiritual, Family(business), Physical, Relationships. I have found these 4 areas work hand in hand.
Here's the nitty gritty: I have been utilizing this system for over a year so some of my goals are simply building blocks upon previous goals.

90 Day Outcome:  listen(read) 90 conference talks, complete 12 endowment sessions, kneel when I    
                               pray before bed.
60 Day Benchmark: listen(read)60 conference talks, complete 4 endowment sessions, kneel daily
30 Day Benchmark: listen(read)30 conference talks, complete 4 endowment sessions, kneel daily

Because I am not pursuing a business I focus on my family in the business category but you bet your bottom dollar I pump positive energy into Corby's business. Together, we make an incredible team and far exceeded all our business goals in 2017. Happy Dance til midnight, that's right my fellow peeps. Ha Ha

90 Day Outcome: basement will be free of all things I am not moving. Each box stored, will be full
                               of usable items. Print and organize Teesh's mission and Sierra's mission will be
                               up to date.
60 Day Benchmark: go through other half of the basement storage room, getting rid of 40
                                    items daily. Update Sierra's mission on blog.
30 Day Benchmark: divide the storage room into half, get rid of 40 items daily. Learn how to upload
                                   photos and print off Teesh's mission

90 Day Outcome: Meal Prep 2x's weekly for all meals. Eat 5x's daily. Macro Counting like a boss.
                               Drink 130oz water. Get 10k steps daily
60 Day Benchmark:  monitor and make sure I am doing daily required action steps
30 Day Benchmark:  monitor daily I'm on track

90 Day Outcome: Invite 3 families over for games and fun. 1on1 time for 30 mins 12x's with girls.
                               12 dates with Corby and 2 of them are over-nighters.

60 Day Benchmark: Invite 1 family for fun. 1on1time 8x's with girls. 4 dates with Corby and 1 over
30 Day Benchmark: Invite 1 family for fun. 1on1 time 4x's w/girls. 4 dates w/Corb & 1 overnighter

How's that for ridiculously detailed? I love it. I love being accountable to the very detail. I want my girls to read this when I am dead and know exactly how I managed my thoughts and how I mapped out my life. Success is not by chance or accident. It is planned and accompanied by preparation. I am in charge of my life. I wake each day knowing what my day holds. I am a great steward over the life my creator granted me. I will not waste this precious preparatory time on mindless numbing activities. Social Media is a mind numbing tool! It's a fake world that creates a life of discontent. When I do get on Instagram I usually find myself needing to purchase something that someone suggests has changed her world. ha ha I choose to spend my time reading an empower book or out serving my fellow brothers and sisters. This is a beautiful time to be alive, lets enjoy it together out from behind a phone or computer. Don't even get me started on video games( I feel the daggers, I do but seriously video games destroy relationships) oops jumping off my soap box now. Squirrel.

If your life isn't working it's because you don't do what you say you will do. Keep your word and life really works.

The most sure way to get power in your life and to have a life that works is to do what you say you will do. To be your word. To keep and honor your word. If you say things and don't follow through, you are guaranteed to have a difficult life...a life that doesn't give you what you want.
                                                                                                                                      Setema Gali

Now for explaining my word of the year......RELEASE
I choose to release the past.
I choose to release excess body fat.
I choose to release toxic relationships.
I choose to release "should's" and "have to's".
I choose to release black and white thinking.
I choose to release limiting beliefs.
I choose to release anger that no longer serves me.

OK, do you feel like I am a therapist, you should. If you want help in anyway contact me at 1800IMaWannaBeTherapist

So hold your head up high my friends. This is the best year yet. When you feel small or insignificant find an empowering song and blast that baby through your house and dance until the small disappears. You got this! Life is amazing and never let anyone in that doesn't support you even if it's blood family members. I will be your cheerleader and I will have your back.
Now get after your life of dreams.