Welcome to our families thoughts, adventures, and craziness

Monday, March 26, 2018

Some days are meant for laughter

We had tickets to the Jordan River Temple open house and my parents were down so they joined in. Since the temple is so close to our house, we stopped in for a little tour. My mom is recovering from her total knee replacement so we created a ramp for her to walk up. Our ramp might have been wobbly but with the help of these three she made it safe and sound. It is so fun to walk around and see where all the rooms are framed in. The only thing missing are the two bedrooms, a closet, and linen closet on third level.

 Would you believe I didn't get a single photo of the temple. So just believe me that we went. On Saturday we had the privilege to feed these fine young missionaries. Elder Silva from Brazil and Elder Acor from Montana. Elder Acor lived in Idaho Falls for a bit and we knew some of the same people. So tender!! They are sharp young men. They both have been out as long as Sierra. It's silly I know, but being around missionaries helps me feel close to my Magera. We fed the elders steak, roasted potatoes and vegetables. I wanted to feed them something I knew wouldn't eat often. Eat they did. It was fun to see them pack the food down. I took pictures of these two and sent them to their mommas. I love it when members do that for me. Pay it forward
 After the Elders shared an awesome message we bolted up north to Kaysen's eagle court of honor. We were about 40 mins late but let's get real the 30 minutes we were there was plenty. No offense, but court of honors are kind of boring especially for my girls. We made up for the boredom by playing with cousins afterwards. My girls love to play with Tobias and Zane. They all get a long so well and it makes my heart happy. Cousins are the best. We have plans to spend time together over spring break. As Bria was running she kept limping and telling me her foot was hurting really bad. So little back history about 3 weeks ago Bria hurt her foot at recess. She was limping and complaining but seriously I didn't think much of it because she was walking on it. So after she was really favoring it tonight and still complaining every once in awhile I dropped Ada and Dad off at home and Breeta and I went to urgent care. Dr. requested x-rays and after a detail examination it was determined its most likely tendinitis. The X-ray did have one area that was inconclusive and so an actual radiologist will examine the films and get back to us. We were sent home with a brace and recommendations to ice it and use ibuprofen a couple times a day. Bria was so brave even though I know her little heart was pounding and scared. I love you my little Bria and I am always here to help you when life is scary.

 Sunday we attended our ward. We sometimes feel like we should introduce ourselves as visitors, we are gone so often. We got a new bishopric. I have mixed feelings about the situation and it actually tries my believes but that's for another day. Let's just say I question "inspiration" when friends call friends but whatever I am out of here in June so no worries.
Our new bishop is Rich Guevara, 1st Counselor Brian Nmezi and 2nd Counselor Mike Badger

I made a delicious salmon dinner and Jameson enjoyed it with us. While we were eating, Ada puts her salmon in front of Jamie and said "is this the salmon's penis Jamie, I don't want to eat a salmon penis. I know what a penis is I sometimes go the bathroom with Dad in public and I see the guys whip it out" Are you kidding me? We could not stop laughing. seriously kid you are too much. So when Corby got home that evening (he missed the excitement) I informed him that Ada is not able to use the men's restrooms anymore. At least she knows her anatomy.

 Here's the beauty Corby surprised me with on our anniversary. Oh man this is an amazing kitchen necessity. I made a turkey sweet potato chili (delicious btw) and it would take 8-10 hours just to cook and Corby and I took meat from freezer and sat down to eat dinner in less than an hour. Seriously so amazing. If you want my recipe let me know. It has black beans, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, mushrooms and so much more and my girls gobbled it up. 
What a week. So many good things. Loved having Teesh with us and loved spending time with family from both sides. I absolutely love hanging out with Ron and Valynn, they fill my aching soul. Good week!

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