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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Regional Dance

Look at this Beautiful Young Lady. 
I don't know why this has been so hard, but for the record, it's been extremely hard. 
 Tonight Malia is attending her first Regional Dance. Is it hard because she is my 3rd and I know where this is headed? 
First dances, then friends, then dates, then college, then rarely see her, is that why it's hard? Who knows the answer but stop it Malia Ruth. You stop growing up, right now!

When Malia returned, she said she had an OK time. No boys asked her to dance but she did enjoy seeing girlfriends and hoping that her COW, Crush of the Week, might notice her. 
Malia you are beautiful. You are amazing! You possess such a great heart, so forgiving, so loving, and so so smart. Maybe if you are really good I will allow one more dance, but only if you are good!

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