Welcome to our families thoughts, adventures, and craziness

Monday, May 20, 2013

Memories of the week

Ada was insisting on a date with Corby. She kept after him all evening. Finally, we gave in and they went on a "date". I jumped in and tagged along just for the hay of it.
As we were driving, Ada continued to request  a date with dad. I asked her what does a date mean to you Ada, she quickly responds "ice cream and fries.......... and a hamburger". I busted up laughing. She is hilarious. Who could deny the child a date so off to Wendy's we went to have a date with dad. Didn't do the hamburger thing but scored points with purchasing the other two requests. So funny little Ada Rae.
Another fun memory with Ada. I let my girls dress themselves every day. Now, they do a great job, not always matching, but bodies are covered and that is frankly all I care about. I did not even pay attention to what Ada had on until we reached Gold's Gym. Ada hops out of vehicle wearing white tights with a
 t-shirt. Awesome! I felt like a great observant mother and best part of it was she was headed straight to preschool from the gym. Luckily my good friend Misty provided my darling daughter a skirt. What would I do without good friends????
If you saw a child dressed like this, would you contact DCFS? Would she pass for wearing leggins? Wonder if I could get away with just wearing  white tights?......super scary thought! She is loved but not always supervised properly. Love ya little Ada, fashion statement, Rae.

Another funny Ada has recently said is, "Mom, Justin Beiber lives next to Dr. Phil in Harryman" How does she even know what these three words even mean? Silly little spunky Ada Rae.

Something else Ada does that I want to remember forever is every night after family prayer Corby hugs each girl and recites, "Hugs not Drugs". Now Ada hugs everyone and tells them same discourse. Her sweet little voice with a lisp is just so darn cute.

We recently attended a seminar where you are to open your arms wide and recite good morning world and bring your arms toward you. What you are doing is inviting good positive items into your world and pushing out the negative. Every morning Ada screams while doing the arm movements, "Good Morning World"


I had purchased some Capri Sun juice boxes at Costco this week. I put the 30# box on the counter and went about my business. I heard a crash and found this......

 The box hit the lovely golden oak banister just right and split it.  Corby called a few minutes after the incident happened and was thrilled to hear of the new "honey do" project. I am secretly hoping it can't be fixed and then we can replace the whole set up. Golden Oak is just not the look I am into.

 Bria had a friend, Lindsey over to play, did not get a photo shoot but this is what they did. They wore all my high heel shoes around the house. Glad my stylish wardrobe serves multiple purposes!

 Went to walmart, we were in the check out line and a sweet old lady dropped her coins. I asked Bria to pick them up and give them to the lady. Bria was obedient and handed the "pennies" over. The lady commented on how helpful Bria was and then gave Bria the money. Bria was so excited to receive three pennies, 2 quarters and 1 nickel but who is counting. Bria is saving up for a whole pack of gum.....pay dirt!

In the mail we received this really nice card from Grandma Hansen. She had spent some time with us right before Mother's Day. She labeled all the flowers our family names. Even a Maybelle, our cat, was a butterfly.

What a treasure for sure. I made Stuffed Peppers that evening, not even knowing it was her favorite meal and it really impacted her life. Grandma Hansen you crack us all up.

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