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Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Preschool Program

Bria and Ada are in the same preschool class. I love it! They are the best of friends, I hope it stays that way forever!
They attend a preschool in the basement of a lady. She does a fantastic job and the girls have learned so much. The girls put on a program for Christmas today. Here it is in photos!
They sang songs and did actions to all the songs. I loved how happy they were performing for us. Grandma Hansen came to support the girls, as always. She is such a great grandma. She tries her very best to attend all the performances of my girls. She is the grandma I always wished for my girls. I never had a relationship with my grandparents growing up. They lived in different states and passed away when I was young. So so glad that my girls have it different than I. We love you Grandma Hansen.
Ms. B asked each of the girls what they wanted for Christmas. Ada said a scooter and Bria wants a doll named Molly just like what Malia has. It was so cute, I forgot to take a picture of Bria. Special photographer I am!

Ada and her antlers are hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing.
Here is our carpool for preschool. Jackson, Sady, Ada, Bria, and Ryli. When I pick up preschool kids, I take more than half the class with me, I love it! Preschool has been so fun, sad that it is almost half over. My girls are growing up way too fast, bittersweet for me.

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