Welcome to our families thoughts, adventures, and craziness

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Going Private and other silly items!

Go private, stay public, go private, stay public. Stay public wins! I am so incredibly awesome with the settings of this blog that I can't figure out how to do it. I know I have a college degree and all but this process is kicking my behind! Not really that bad, but it has been frustrating on trying to add people to my reader list. Am I that person that is getting too old  for modern technology? My mother-in-law, bless her heart(isn't that what old people say;0) refuses to use ATM machines. She really believes that it will steal her money so she insists on going inside for all banking needs. I think it is so silly and yet I am becoming her while I hear others say I think that is so silly! None the less I am public again.

The past few weeks have been pretty day to day. Nothing super fancy just normal Hansen life. I went to retrieve the mail the other day and what did I find.........jack pot!
 Yes, Corby will retire in two weeks because of this awesome check. Sierra's braces will be paid for and we will no longer have a mortgage.

In case you couldn't read the amount here is a close up!

I had to giggle when I opened the envelope. Seriously? I think it cost 5x's that amount to generate, print, and mail this check. I would have donated to charity if I knew it was coming. Thanks for the laugh MetLife!

One day during dinner I looked up and saw this.......

Can you tell who the face belongs to behind the shirt? When I saw her I just had to laugh, why? What would possess my daughter to do this? If only we could get into the minds of three year olds, it would probably be very enlightening. For whatever reason for this behavior, thanks for the laugh little Ada Rae!

If you want the recipe just ask, they are delish!

My girls love sweet potatoes! I love sweet potatoes and we both love it when I make sweet potato fries. These beauties are divine! Pretty easy to cook and so so tasty. 
I love the poses I seem to get from Ada these days. 
She is a natural!

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