Welcome to our families thoughts, adventures, and craziness

Friday, April 27, 2018

It's a good day

This week is full to capacity.
Malia and the seminary council spoke in our sacrament meeting. It's an amazing experience if you ever get to  listen do! The spirit was untouchable and to hear the youth in action lets you know our futures will be just fine. I know this generation gets a bad rep and rightfully so, entitled, lazy, the whole bit is true I have witnessed it but there are some amazing youth as well. The seminary council is made up of the cream of the crop. They each spoke on how Seminary has changed their lives and how we can find peace in Christ. 10 of the council spoke and then we headed to our house for breakfast burritos. That's kind of my go to for large gatherings. They can be made ahead of time and who doesn't like cheese, sausage, egg and salsa?

 and I get to use my Christmas present from my parents. It's a 3 crockpot system for serving food. I loved this gift and loved even more an opportunity to use it.
 After the youth, left we got Malia all Purdy and headed to the capital and downtown for her senior photo shoot. This girl is photogenic. I will post when I get them back for sure. Ada wanted to join me so she came with us. She was entertaining herself as I timed her running up and down this gigantic flight of stairs.

 haha not even close to the professionals shots but I wanted to post a glimpse of this gorgeous girl. 
 Monday I had class until noon then met Corby at the new house to do what is called 4 way. We go through E V E R Y T H I N G making sure things are the way they need to be. It was so fun. To see the final project just around the corner. I have kept an ongoing list of the tiniest things and I am so grateful I did. It is impossible to remember everything so to have it written made this process slick. I have more electrical plugs than you ever think but friends I have plans. No more extension cords hanging on the side of the cabinets for decor above. You will see I have thought of everything (I should seeing how I have been designing this house for 12 years ha ha) I had to leave early to get Malia to the international health department for her shots required to travel to the Dominican Republic next month. It took so long Corby had to grab the littles from NPA. The evening was full of homework and more decisions on the house. FYI...if you plan to build prepare yourself to make about 30 decisions daily and I am not kidding so much is involved. Good thing I am quick on my feet as to what I want.
On Tuesday, we were able to watch Malia accept her Keys To Success Scholarship and try for a chance at a brand new car. She secured the scholarship but car slipped through her fingertips. We had a company come out to measure our countertops in this house. We will be renovating it before we sell it. Plan to stain cabinets and banister, replace countertops, add backsplash and redo the hardwood floor. We also plan to fix all the little things that are looking old. We have a neighbor who is amazing and is willing to do all the odd jobs. I will stain the cabinets and banister.  Yikes! It just feels more real some days and today is one of those. My visiting teachers stopped in and we had a great conversation. Neither of them knew we were moving so that was fun to talk about. I haven't been vocal for many reasons but judgement is the biggest. I am not one that cares too much what others think but certain topics I haven't managed as well as I would like. Building my dream home is one of those topics. I will be perfectly honest about my house. It is large. It is extreme in some areas. I have a large family. Once my girls are all married and find mates and each have 3 kids my immediate family will be 27 people. I need a space for my children to feel comfortable. Every square inch has been thought and used to the best of our ability. It has a lot of special features because that fits our lives. I cook a lot. I have a lot of kitchen gadgets, its my passion to cook and prepare fun fancy meals. I need space to make that happen. I can honestly tell you I have never designed any portion of this house with the thought "oh so and so will be jealous or I am better than someone else". To each their own, this house is my dream if yours is different I embrace that and celebrate with you. End of line. The house is expensive (most houses are) Corby does well financially. We are prepared for this house and we will have it paid off in 5 years. There those are my true feelings. So when you read this next part you'll understand better.
Corby shared with his mom our house by allowing her to walk around it. She was quiet while there but has not shut her mouth since. It hurts our feelings and I need to not let it but it does. She has nothing but negative to say. Can't we all follow Thumpers rules "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" She called my children brats and said that we are just trying to be better than the rest of the family and she said my youngest reminds her of my Sierra and they are both brats. I am jaw dropped shocked. What grandma says that about her grandchildren? She dropped in on Malia's birthday and after spending a few hours here that was her outcome. We are just ok with her spending less time with our family. Corby is just so hurt and I am not shocked. Kathleen rarely has anything nice to say about others, especially us. She is a bitter old woman who can't find true happiness. So thanks Grandma. We will see you the next time someone else invites you because you aren't welcome in our house or lives. Peace out!

Sorry real raw moments .....

We signed up Bria and Ada for tennis lessons. It's been fun to watch talents develop and mature. Bria has promising talent and I am thrilled as we keep striking out on extracurricular activities that spark interest. Their instructor is one of a kind. So funny, kind, and information for the class.  There are 8 students in class and they meet twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday. Ada enjoys class but her heart is still 100% on dance. She will try out in June for a new dance studio.

Wednesday we had piano and homework and enjoyed being home with little to do. That evening we had an air purifier company come out to talk to us about our new home. Long story short it was a rainbow vacuum salesman and we all had a great laugh as we own a rainbow and have for the past 22 years. In the end, he offered a great deal to upgrade our old machine and we jumped. The new machine is so much nicer. Lots of improvements and I am excited for a new home with a new rainbow. I am super excited about the air purifier system. I have a cough that won't go away and I fear it is allergies. So lets give this product a try.
Thursday was Ada's field trip and then tennis after school and then we raced to co-ed softball social. My calling is stake sports specialist and I have grouped with a few other stakes to play our sports. We just don't have the manpower to get the sports program on its own feet. So Brooke and I have organized a system that seems to work. We wanted to all meet before our first game next week so a social was born. I made a huge bowl of potato salad and everyone brought side dishes and we roasted hot dogs. It was such a fun evening. For a tiny minute I thought man why am I moving I love these tribe of people I have now. Of course thats how it goes huh, it's all good and I hope to get the sports program up and running in my new ward. I made some great friends that night but had to leave before we could get a game of softball started. I had to meet with Tracey, our photographer, she took Malia's photos on Sunday. They far exceeded our expectations. So so good. 
I spend every spare minute making decision for the house. It was a good week!

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