Welcome to our families thoughts, adventures, and craziness

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Church Basketball

All three girls are playing church basketball this year. Malia fought hard to not play, but with our team being so small, she took one for the team so we wouldn't forfeit. Because our YW's is so small, we combine with another ward in the stake. We have combined with them for years and have even won championship at the Regional level (it isn't called regionals anymore, the new name is Coordinating Council)
I have either coached or officiated, or done both for the past 7 years but asked to be released so I could just be a  screaming cheering mom for Teesh's last year. I love to be able to cheer my girls on and scream when they make 2 points. 
Some weeks I am asked to fill in for officiating, this game was one of them. Corby was a sport to be our photographer(truth be known, he is better at it than me)
We played against the 8th branch, our biggest competitor. So sit back and enjoy the show from the photos that Corby provided!

Teesh is #12, Malia #4 and Sierra #13

After all our sweat and tears we pulled it off and won! It was a nail biter this game. I am so proud of my girls. They each scored, stole, and played hard. It is fun to watch them improve and become more confident in new areas.

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