Welcome to our families thoughts, adventures, and craziness

Monday, October 22, 2012

From 20th of Sept. to 7th of October 2012

I am alive but barely!

This is going to be a lengthy post but it has to be written for journal purposes. This time of year is the hardest time for me for so many reasons. I want to remember this time in life and be able to look back and say, "wow, what a super human you were during this phase of life". I wouldn't trade this time for anything but to have a clone(now wouldn't that be crazy two of me) wouldn't be a bad idea on certain days.
Let me begin by saying sit down, buckle up and hold on as we take one wild ride in the weeks of my life!
I have three different schools that I have carpools scheduled and for the most part it goes swimmingly but every once in awhile it gets chaotic and with everything else this was the week of "H E double hockey sticks".
Let's begin, it is an annual tradition for Corby and his brothers to go to Lymen Lake to camp and fish. The fish by this time of the year are huge and they always come home with their limit. Well, several years back the girls and other cousins, wanted to join in on the fun so now it is titled the "Brothers and Others" annual camping trip. Some still call it BAS (brothers acting stupid) because my sister-in-law, Natalie said that is what they do when they get together is just act stupid. The name has stuck for years. Anyway, so we packed and prepared and Corby took Leticia, Malia, Bria and Ada this go around. They took off early evening of the 20th for a 4 hour drive. Have a great time everyone. Sierra stayed back because of school and the whole freezing while camping wasn't so enticing this year.
Friday, I did normal carpool duties and  a few mystery shops and attended my parenting class. I hit the hay early because I signed up for the Dirty Dash in Solder Hollow the next morning. I met with my team and we left around 7:15am. It was a brisk morning but I was so excited. We ran a 10k in mud puddles and different obstacles all morning. I was a little sad because I signed up with 8 other women and I basically ran the entire race all by myself. I was sad and lonely but such is life.

Homecoming was that evening, see that post but let's just say the evening was full of fun and adventure.

Sunday the 23rd , a day of rest, Corby was up and gone to meetings from 6am to 9pm taking my two oldest for choir practice from 5:30 to 9. What an excellent opportunity they have to sing in General Conference. Lots of work practicing, but will be so worth it in the end.
Monday the 24th, we had our normal cross country practice, carpool duties, piano lessons, guitar lessons, and voice lessons. Tuesday 25th, I had to have Corby to the airport at 6:30am so he could catch his plane and I could drive NPA  carpool. He leaves for Las Vegas till Friday for a work convention. Tuesday evening was the cross country dinner before the meet and Wednesday was the meet. It was held at Sugar House which meant Highland was the host. I had to direct the runners on the course with Bria and Ada at my side. Thursday 27th, Leticia and Sierra and Nathan left at 4am for the black powder rifle hunt. It was opening day and they had a long drive ahead of them hence the way early departure. Tuesday and Thursday I have carpool for preschool and ballet so I leave at 2:45 and rarely get home before 5:50. Can you say crock pot meal! Thursday evening I had parent teacher conferences for my high schooler's. Luckily, Malia helped me out with the little girls and I was able to leave them home. I made appointments for 16 teachers all 5 to 10 minutes apart. I raced from one teacher to the next and am happy to report I met every teacher and all great comments. Parent Teacher Conferences took me 2 1/2 hours. Friday I picked Corby from the airport and we went to dinner to celebrate Jaren's birthday. We went to Joe's Crab Shack then to  Off Broadway for the laughing stock production. It was a great way to spend the evening. Saturday was spent canning and cleaning and helping with church volleyball and attending the dress rehearsal for the general conference choir. Sunday same as last week meetings from 6am to 9pm. Monday the 1st of October Corby took Malia and Teesh out hunting again. Teesh and Sierra weren't successful and Monday was the last day the hunt was open. The mighty hunters returned with great memories but no meat. I then had parent teacher conferences for Malia on Thursday the 4th and parenting class on Friday the 5th. Saturday the 6th, the girls and Corby had to be at the stake center at 9:45 and did not return until after 5 from their singing. Corby raced home, quickly ate dinner, and was off to the Priesthood Session with his brother, Jaren. Cindy and Jaren's children stayed here and we stayed up way too late playing card games. Sunday the 7th I made cinnamon rolls and had Brad and his wife and children over with my parents. That was a rare treat. And that concludes my two weeks I survived! Boring as it may be to read, I needed to record that what some weeks look like as a mother of 5 beautiful daughters who are all so busy with their individual activities and desires.

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