Welcome to our families thoughts, adventures, and craziness

Friday, November 23, 2012

Temple Square

We decided to venture out with the bazillion others to temple square. Grandma and Grandpa Ellis were in town, so we hooked up with them and made some memories. It was a great night, busy, but weather wise I couldn't ask for better. We were bundled up sufficiently but took layers off as we began to perspire. We wanted to go to City Creek as well but Bria and Ada were past bedtime and I was done. I have serious anxiety when out in public with my little ones, I have to keep an eye on them constantly, I truly fear they will be kidnapped or lost. We spent a couple of hours viewing the scenes and enjoying the company and then we headed home to beddie bye!
Out first night using Clarissa!

Bria absolutely loved the nativity scenes. There were multiple nativity's displayed from all over the world. They even had a full sized realistic one but we couldn't get close enough for a shot, did I mention every body in the state of Utah was at Temple Square tonight?

My happy bundled up joys
Here's the crew, Grandpa Ellis, Leticia, Sierra, Malia, Avery, Grandma Ellis, Bria, Corby, Top of Ada Rae, Jennifer
We asked a young man to take our picture and unfortunately he didn't get Ada's face. Poor Ada is only a scarf and hat but we still love you.
Malia and her bff from school, Avery. Malia with that hat you look like a lioness, Rrrrroar. Love you!
Teesh and Sierra 
I love to see the temple, I'm going there someday!
Good memories with Gma and Gpa. Watching my dad interact with everyone we walked by, brought back so many childhood memories. He is a chit chatter.
 We stood in line for over an hour waiting to go upstairs and see this magnificent statue. Jesus is our Savior. Bria noticed his markings on his palms and pointed it out, maybe she is listening to FHE after all.
Listening intently to the recording.
Ada Rae, Bria and Teesh plus myself enjoying the warmth.
The evening was great! I am so glad we were able to go and especially go with extended family. My parents are leaving for their fourth mission in January so that made tonight extra special.  
Sierra and Grandma Ellis. They have the same cheekbones! Beautiful ladies.

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